Logic Pro Dynamics Plug-Ins Explained

Join Logic Pro guru Eli Krantzberg for a deep dive into the incredible built-in dynamics plug-ins that you already have at your disposal as a Logic Pro user. From compression and limiting to expanding, gating, and more, you'll learn how to transform your tracks for the better quickly and easily with this in-depth Logic Pro video course. A number of techniques, from practical and problem-solving to creative and unorthodox, are covered. These Logic Pro videos are for first-time users of Logic Pro's dynamics plug-ins.

Getting Started with Logic's Compressor (07:34) - Learn about the basic functions of Logic's compressor, including how gain staging, threshold, ratio, knee, attack, and release controls work.
Compressor Output & Sidechain Controls (07:54) - Discover how the Output section is used to balance and blend the effects of the compression and how the built-in sidechain detection circuit is used to fine tune what areas of the frequency range the compressor reacts to.
Compression Circuit Types & Characteristics (15:22) - Examine the subtle nuances and differences between the seven different circuit types available in Logic's compressor plug-in.
Sidechain Compression (07:58) - Examine three different scenarios where audio from another track is used to trigger the compressor's sidechain circuit to create either rhythmic pumping effects or subtle ducking.
Limiter (06:44) - See how this works to reduce the dynamic range of a signal by clamping down completely, rather than by ratio, on audio that exceeds the set threshold. It's often used to help elements stand out in a dense mix.
Expander (05:20) - Hear how this is used to increase, rather than reduce, the dynamic range of audio once it crosses a user set threshold.
Adaptive Limiter (06:03) - Learn how to use this on your stereo output to control loudness and achieve maximum gain of your full mix without introducing unwanted distortion and clipping.
Enveloper (05:29) - Discover this simple and useful transient-shaping plug-in that can either sharpen or dull the attack phase of sounds and independently shorten or lengthen the release phase.
Noise Gate Basics (06:11) - Explore the basic functions of Logic's Noise Gate as it's put to work doing some typical gating duties on kick, small tom, and floor tom drum tracks.
Noise Gate & Ducking Sidechaining (06:37) - Follow along as some internal and external sidechain examples are set up and used creatively.
DeEsser (06:03) - Learn how to use this dynamics compressor that is designed to isolate and attenuate a specific range of high frequencies associated with overly sibilant vocals.
MultiPressor (07:30) - See how this is used to balance a full mix by splitting the incoming signal into up to four separate frequency bands, each with independent compression and expansion controls.