Modern Rock Guitar Soloing

With this guitar video lesson, learning to solo has never been easier or more affordable. The dynamic “Soloing Series” offers the essential elements every soloist needs. The accompanying PDF booklet shows examples in notation and tablature and is filled with rock-solid information from beginning to end.

Introduction (02:44) - Danny Gill welcomes us to the course.
Drop D Power Chords (03:24) - Techniques for playing power chords in Drop D tuning.
Right Hand Muting & Downstrokes (04:14) - In this video, we learn about muting techniques and downstroke execution.
Chords in Drop D Tuning (04:21) - Exploring chord shapes and progressions in Drop D tuning.
Tuning Down 2 Whole Steps (02:24) - Learn about on tuning the guitar down two whole steps for different tonal possibilities.
16th Notes & Alternate Picking (03:45) - Techniques for playing 16th notes using alternate picking.
Strange Noises (10:31) - Danny shows us how to make "strange noises" on the guitar.
Progression with Strange Noises (04:24) - Next, Danny teaches us a progression using the "strange noises" we learned in the previous video.
Unison Bends (01:39) - In this video, Danny discusses executing unison bends for expressive playing.
Octaves (05:15) - Learn techniques for playing octaves for added depth and richness in sound.
Closing (02:26) - Danny wraps up the course.