Albert Cummings - Working Man Blues Guitar

In this guitar video lesson, join blues guitar master Albert Cummings in this intimate instructional video featuring on-screen tablature and tons of great advice on learning and living blues guitar.

Welcome (01:31) - Albert Cummings greets viewers and sets the tone for the instructional course.
Albert's Gear (11:29) - An overview of the equipment and instruments used by Albert Cummings.
Thoughts on Guitar Playing (05:48) - Cummings shares his insights and philosophy on guitar playing.
Basic Guitar Licks (09:45) - Instruction on fundamental guitar licks for beginners.
Lead Licks & Bending (04:48) - Techniques and tips for executing lead licks and mastering bending.
Right-Hand Techniques (07:45) - Focus on refining right-hand techniques for improved playing.
Creating Your Own Style (04:32) - Guidance on developing a unique guitar playing style.
Pedals (03:48) - Explanation of various pedals and their uses in guitar playing.
Playing with Other Musicians (04:11) - Advice on collaborating and playing with other musicians effectively.
Practicing (03:55) - Strategies and exercises for effective guitar practice sessions.
Closing Thoughts (03:46) - Final remarks from Albert Cummings as the instructional segment concludes.
Outro Jam (02:29) - Concluding the course with a jam session.