bx_console AMEK 9099 Explained

If you're like most people who won't be able to afford a Neve console anytime soon, brainworx's bx_console AMEK 9099 is certainly a nice consolation prize. In this bx_console AMEK 9099 video course, veteran Groove3 instructor Eli Krantzberg takes you on a guided tour of this impressive plug-in, demonstrating how to use it in numerous situations to transform your tracks from "ok" to "wow!" From vocals and guitars to keys, drums, bass, and more, you'll learn how to coax every bit of sonic magic it has to offer on your very next production. This bx_console AMEK 9099 video course is designed for new users.

Filter & EQ Topology (08:51) - Learn about the layout and functionality of the filter and EQ parameters.
Gate/Expander Topology (07:11) - Explore the nuances and characteristics of the various gate/expander controls and see how they influence low-level material.
Compression & Limiting Topology (06:18) - Discover the sonic and dynamic control provided by the compression and limiter sections and learn how the clipping function lets you clip off very fast transients to reduce peaks while leaving the overall signal intact.
Master Section Topology (05:24) - See how the master section functions are used for global control over how the channel strip works.
In Action: Drums & Bass (08:12) - Follow along as a series of AMEK 9099 channel strip instances set up across multi-track drums and electric bass are deconstructed and examined.
In Action: Keys & Guitars (07:11) - The AMEK 9099 is put to work carving out multiple keyboard sounds and on a guitar bus. Some interesting clipping and side chaining are used to help blend the multiple guitar tracks together and tuck them into the mix.
In Action: Vocals (04:18) - Hear the AMEK 9099 work its magic on a lead vocal track and a special effect vocal track. The EQs, filter, and clipper are put to good use in different ways on the two tracks.
In Action: Mix Bus (05:10) - See how two separate instances of the AMEK 9099 channel strip are used on the master bus in order to meet a target EQ curve. Clipping is used to glue the mix together, and a final playthrough is heard with the Plugin Alliance bx_limiter True Peak on the stereo output.