Modular Synthesis with REAKTOR BLOCKS Explained

Ready to try your hand at modular synthesis but aren't sure where to start? We've got you covered! In this REAKTOR sound design video course, Groove3 instructor and synth wiz Stephen O'Connell will teach you the basics of modular synthesis with REAKTOR BLOCKS from Native Instruments, a fun, intuitive way to click together different modules and learn how synthesis and signal flow work in a modular setup, plus the basics of generating a sound, controlling that sound with note-shaping and filtering, modulating that sound in many cool ways to add complexity and intrigue, and sequencing the sound for amazing runs, riffs, ostinatos, and more. These REAKTOR BLOCKS video tutorials are designed for new REAKTOR BLOCKS users.

Introduction, Setup & Getting Started (04:39) - Welcome to the first video in this series. In this video, you'll learn what the course covers, how to claim and install the REAKTOR Player and Basic Blocks (if you don?t have it already), how you can add blocks, connect wires, change wire colors, and block names, and how to navigate around the REAKTOR workspace.
Getting a Sound (Oscillator & VCA Blocks) (08:09) - Now that your REAKTOR is ready to use and you can navigate and organize the workspace to your liking, it?s time to start building a synthesizer. In this video, we'll take our first steps into the world of modular synthesis by connecting our first two blocks, the Oscillator and the VCA Blocks, to get a sound.
Shaping the Note (ADSR Envelope Block) (08:20) - Now that we can get a sound from our first block connections, it's time get it to play when we press down a key on our MIDI keyboard. In this video, we'll look at the difference between carrier and modulation blocks and introduce you to the Envelope (ADSR) Block.
Shaping the Sound (Filter, Crossfade, & Mixer Blocks) (07:53) - Having created a basic, playable sound, it's now time to make more complex sounds by combining waves and shaping the sound. In this video, we take a look at the mixer blocks and the filter block.
Sound Break 1: Hear the Example (04:44) - So far, you've learned the basics to create a simple modular synth setup, but that's all you need to create an awesome sound. In this video, we'll explore how a simple patch was created with the blocks you've seen so far and some additional effects in the DAW.
Adding Movement (LFO Block) (06:41) - In the last video, we saw how even basic blocks can create cool sounds, but we can push this further to make complex, evolving sounds. In this video, we'll start looking at the world of modulation with the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) Block.
Attenuating the Modulation (VCA Block as a Modulator) (05:06) - In our pursuit of complex, evolving sounds, the humble VCA Block can be a powerful secret weapon. In this video, we're taking another look at the VCA Block, this time as a modulator rather than a carrier, to attenuate signals and control other modulators.
Controlling the Performance (Velocity, Pitch Wheel & Mod Wheel) (06:48) - While the modulators we have seen so far - the Envelope and LFO - do a great job at automatically modulating the sound, sometimes you want to be more hands-on with your sound. In this video, we'll take a look at some common performance controls on your MIDI keyboard and see how to integrate them into your modular setup.
Randomizing the Modulation (Sample & Hold Block) (05:23) - Modulation doesn?t have to be predictable; you can also bring spontaneity to your sound to create interesting and unexpected sounds. In this video, we'll explore the simple Sample and Hold block to see what it can do to bring some randomness to our synth.
How the Synth Performs (Glide, Legato, & Note Priority) (05:12) - Now that we've added some randomness to our modular setup, the sound can become less predictable. In this video, we'll check out the legato feature to help make our synth a more reliable performance instrument, as well as some other performance controls on the Note In Block.
FM Synthesis (Frequency Modulation) (05:37) - This is where things get a little wild. In this video, we take a look at the intense and chaotic sounds of Frequency Modulation, with some tips on how to tame the sound.
Sound Break 2: Hear the Example (05:33) - Now that you have even more knowledge, we can use these new modulation blocks to your advantage. In this video, we'll look at an example of just how you can use these modulation blocks to create a complex and unique sound.
Adding Pulsing Movement (4 Mods Sequencer Block) (09:33) - It?s time to start talking about sequencers, both as carriers and modulators. In this video, we'll start with a modulation sequencer to add a pulsing movement to our synthesizer.
Adding a Sequence of Notes (8 Step Sequencer) (07:24) - Now that you have an idea of how sequencers work from the last video, it's time to enter the world of note sequencing. In this video, we're going to apply those same principles to the 8 Note Step Sequencer Block to play transposing sequences anywhere on the keyboard.
Adding Effects (Additional Blocks) (07:43) - You can breathe new life into your synthesizer by leveraging additional third-party effects blocks. In this video, we'll take a look at a few examples as well as discuss the importance of their placement in your signal path.
Sound Break 3: Hear the Example (03:59) - With the power of sequencers under our belt, we've now looked at everything in this course. In this video, we'll tie it all together with a final synth example before wrapping up.
Summary & Outro (02:20) - Thank you for participating in the course and well done for completing it! You now have everything you need to start creating your own modular synth patches, so you?re encouraged to get out there, start experimenting, and get creative with your sound design. In this video, we'll offer some final thoughts and advice, set some goals and challenges, and provide you with next steps to help you continue to learn.