Freddie King - Guitar Signature Licks

The most virtuosic blues king, big bad Freddie was a spectacular guitarist as well as a first-rate singer and accomplished songwriter. As a transplanted Texan who moved to Chicago in the '50s, Freddie rubbed shoulders with the likes of Buddy Guy, Otis Rush, and Magic Sam. Freddie's vast repertoire of blues classics offers cool hooks, hot solos, and foot-tapping rhythms for the contemporary electric guitarist.

Introduction (02:05) - In this first video, Duke Robillard welcomes us to the course.
Hideaway (16:04) - Duke breaks down the song "Hideaway" lick by lick.
San-Ho-Zay (15:35) - Next, Duke explores the song "San-Ho-Zay".
The Stumble (13:49) - In this video, Duke breaks down "The Stumble".
Slow Blues (02:07) - Duke shows us the Freddie King Slow Blues style.
Sen-sa-shun (02:30) - In this final video, Duke breaks down the song "Sen-sa-shun".