The Ultimate Drummer's Workout

A revolutionary method to improve your stick technique through the use of brushes! The idea is simple: since brushes don't bounce like sticks, your wrist control and grip need to be much more precise and controlled to achieve the same results.

Introduction (03:32) - In this first video, Ted MacKenzie welcomes us to the course.
Resistance Training (01:42) - Ted discusses the importance of resistance training.
The Rebound Factor (01:51) - Ted talks about the lack of rebound when using the brush.
Quiet Training: A "Tap," Not a "Slap" (00:38) - Ted discusses training with the brushes.
The Matched Grip: "Pinky & The Brain" (02:05) - Next, Ted talks about the matched grip.
Wiskin' & Thumpin' (00:53) - In this video, Ted shows us how to wisk and thump.
The Traditional Grip (03:08) - In this video, Ted shows us the traditional grip.
The 90-Second Workout (01:58) - Ted teaches us a 90-second workout.
Stretches (00:53) - Ted discusses the importance of stretching.
Pop That Drum (01:34) - Next, Ted shows us proper technique for striking the drum with the brushes.
Three Examples of Creative Drum Kit Workout (01:32) - In this video, Ted shares three examples of creative drum kit workouts.
Incorporating New Techniques (02:16) - Ted shows us some new techiques.
The Double-Stroke Roll: First Stage (01:36) - Ted breaks down the first stage of the Double-Stroke Roll.
The Double-Stroke Roll: Second Stage (09:16) - Continuing on, Ted breaks down the second stage of the Double-Stroke Roll.
Alternating Single Strokes (04:54) - In this video, Ted discusses alternating single strokes.
The Three-Stroke Ruff (01:01) - Ted shows us the Three-Stroke Ruff.
The Five-Stroke Ruff (00:47) - Ted shows us the Five-Stroke Ruff.
The Five-Stroke Roll (01:24) - Ted shows us the Five-Stroke Roll.
The Seven-Stroke Ruff (01:32) - Ted shows us the Seven-Stroke Ruff.
The Seven-Stroke Roll (01:17) - Ted shows us the Seven-Stroke Roll.
The Double-Stroke Roll in Triplets (01:23) - Ted shows us the Double-Stroke Roll in Triplets.
The Six-Stroke Roll (01:54) - Ted shows us the Six-Stroke Roll.
The Single Paradiddle (02:25) - Ted shows us the Single Paradiddle.
The Double Paradiddle (01:04) - Ted shows us the Double Paradiddle.
The Triple Paradiddle (00:53) - Ted shows us the Triple Paradiddle.
The Single Ratamacue (02:42) - Ted shows us the Single Ratamacue.
Conclusion (01:26) - Ted wraps up the course.