Beginning Metal Rhythm Guitar

Enter the realm of darkness with a metal master as he reveals the deepest secrets of playing serious metal rhythms. Nick exposes all the essential elements, including power chords, riffs, evil intervals, muting and picking techniques, the heavy chord, and more.

Tuning & Opening Jam (02:33) - Get tuned up with and then enjoy a quick opening jam.
The Magic Metal Riff Formula (01:25) - Nick Bowcott discusses the importance of a great riff to metal.
Tone Talk (02:48) - In this video, Nick gives a tour of his amp settings.
Warm Up (03:41) - Nick gives his thoughts on the importance of warming up before showing us some exercises.
Power Tools Pt. 1: Root/Fifth Chords (08:04) - Next, Nick begins his examination of power chords by discussing root and fifth chords.
Power Tools Pt. 2: Metal Muting (04:12) - Nick discusses muting in metal.
Power Tools Pt. 3: Ups & Downs of Picking (01:47) - In this video, Nick explains why down picking is his preferred technique in metal.
Power Tools Pt. 4: Ballsy Bouncing (01:31) - Nick shows us why we "bounce" with the fret-board hand.
Power Tools Pt. 5: Pedaling the Root (02:26) - Nick shows us how to add more bite and punch to a riff.
Power Tools Pt. 6: Rhythm & Groove (02:05) - Next, Nick talks about making things interesting by changing the rhythm and groove of the riff.
Power Tools Pt. 7: Syncopation (01:51) - In this video, Nick gives some quick thoughts on syncopation.
Power Tools Pt. 8: Holes of Silence (04:33) - Nick shows how sometimes it's not what you play, but what you don't play that makes things interesting.
Five Notes That Always Work: The Minor Pentatonic Scale (02:30) - Nick shows us how to move the Minor Pentatonic scale to different keys.
Seven Notes That Always Work: The Natural Minor Scale (02:22) - Next, Nick moves on to the natural minor scale.
A Touch of Evil: Sinister Intervals (00:56) - Over the next couple videos, Nick shows us three intervals used in metal.
The Tritone (04:12) - Nick discusses the Devil's interval, the tritone.
Economy Fingering (01:46) - In this video, Nick breaks down the economy picking he used in the last video.
A Touch of Evil Pt. 2: Minor Second (02:26) - Nick teaches us another sinister interval, the Minor Second.
The Heavy Chord: Inverted Power Chords (02:06) - Next, Nick shows us a twist on what we already learned.
Wrap-Up (02:21) - Nick wraps up the course.