Rockabilly Guitar

In this dynamic guitar video lesson, Troy Dexter plays examples in the style of such rockabilly greats as Scotty Moore, Carl Perkins, Brian Setzer, Eddie Cochran, and Duane Eddy. He demonstrates effects devices (tremolo, echo, reverb, and distortion) and how they were used by each player.

Introduction (01:22) - In this first video, Troy Dexter welcomes us to the course.
Tuneup, Guitars & Strings (02:36) - Troy tunes up the guitar and discusses his guitars and strings.
Effects (02:33) - Next, Troy talks about the various effects used on guitars in Rockabilly music.
Rockabilly Characteristics (00:42) - Troy discusses the characteristics of Rockabilly.
Chord Voicings (08:35) - In this video, Troy shows us some chord voicings used in Rockabilly music.
Picking Styles (01:23) - Troy shows us the picking styles used in Rockabilly guitar playing.
Low-Note Melody (01:13) - Next, Troy shows us how the main theme in Rockabilly is usually a low-note melody.
Working with a Singer (00:52) - Troy discusses working with a singer.
Rockabilly Styles: Duane Eddy (01:39) - In this video, Troy shows us the Rockabilly style of Duane Eddy.
Rockabilly Styles: Eddie Cochran (02:00) - Troy shows us the Rockabilly style of Eddie Cochran.
Rockabilly Styles: Rev. Horton Heat (03:39) - Troy shows us the Rockabilly style of Rev. Horton Heat.
Rockabilly Styles: Brian Setzer (08:42) - Troy shows us the Rockabilly style of Brian Setzer.
Rockabilly Styles: Scotty Moore (03:59) - Troy shows us the Rockabilly style of Scotty Moore.
Rockabilly Styles: Carl Perkins (03:02) - Troy shows us the Rockabilly style of Carl Perkins.
Rockabilly Styles: Jimmy Vaughan (05:08) - Troy shows us the Rockabilly style of Jimmy Vaughan.
Closing Remarks (01:37) - Troy wraps up the course.