Back to Basics: Dynamics

If you've always felt a bit confused about compression, limiting, expansion, and other dynamic processors, look no further. In this audio dynamics video course, processing guru Alberto Rizzo Schettino breaks down the topic of dynamics like never before, so you'll come away with a deep, thorough understanding that will serve you well for the rest of your musical career. Specifically, you'll learn about four major concepts related to dynamics - compression, limiting, expansion, and side-chaining - including explanations about their various parameters and practical tips and techniques for using them effectively. These videos are created for those new to the subject of dynamics.

Introduction (00:47) - In this first video, Alberto introduces you to the master class and the reasoning behind a series like "Back to Basics."
Compressor Pt. 1 (14:39) - Once and for all, learn to use compressors and lose any second thoughts or doubts you might have.
Compressor Pt. 2 (20:35) - Alberto continues his deep dive on the compressor.
Expander (15:13) - Alberto guides you through the possibilities offered by expanders and gates, two of the most important dynamics processor used practically in any music production.
Limiter Pt. 1 (08:48) - An unmistakable step of any music production, peak limiting has been in full-force from the early '90s. Learn why this is an important dynamics processor that any engineer has to master.
Limiter Pt. 2 (11:33) - Alberto continues his exploration of limiting.
Side-Chain Pt. 1 (22:49) - One of the most important features of modern processors (brought to the extreme with digital audio), side-chaining is behind the sound of many famous records and can open an number of amazing possibilities.
Side-Chain Pt. 2 (10:03) - Alberto continues his deep dive of side-chaining.
Practical Examples Pt. 1 (15:26) - Join Alberto and finally put everything you have learned into practice, with this chapter dedicated exclusively to many practical examples.
Practical Examples Pt. 2 (14:28) - Alberto continues putting everything we have learned to work.
Practical Examples Pt. 3 (20:31) - In this final video, Alberto finishes putting everything we learned into a practical example.