Kazrog Plugins Explained

Join plugin wiz Eli Krantzberg for an in-depth Kazrog video course exploring their incredible sounding plugins, including dynamics, amp simulation, EQ, and more. You'll learn all about the features and parameters of these sonic tools with telling musical demonstrations and clear, concise explanations, so you'll be confident that you're getting the best info on how to use them. These videos are designed for those new to Karzog plugins.

True Iron Explained (06:14) - Developed to capture the true essence of the subtle warmth of outboard line input transformers, this plug-in models several hardware variations of this first stage in the analog signal path.
True Iron in Action (05:19) - Hear True Iron in use on various instruments in a multitrack recording.
True Dynamics (07:48) - Explore these rare tube compressor emulations at work in a variety of settings.
True 252 (06:46) - Discover the smooth qualities of the Langevin 252A graphic equalizer, as it is used in effects chains along side True Iron and True Dynamics on a variety of sources.
Synth Warmer (05:20) - Feel your room shake with this powerful emulation of the old Model D analog synth drive and filter stages, enhanced with additional features that give you either subtle or aggressive power and control.
Getting Started with AmpCraft 1992 (06:04) - Learn about the basic amp and pedal controls and hear them in use on a rhythm guitar part created with a software instrument.
Working with the AmpCraft IR Loader (05:26) - See how to use the various features in the two-channel speaker cabinet Impulse Response loader section of AmpCraft 1992.
AmpCraft 1992 in Action (04:55) - Explore the various AmpCraft settings in use on three different live lead guitar parts.
KClip3 (11:08) - Learn how the controls in this plug-in work in both single-band and multi-band modes and hear it in action on a drum bus and synth bass part.
Kazrog Avalon VT-747SP: How It Works (05:23) - Learn about all the controls and ranges on this channel strip plug-in.
Kazrog Avalon VT-747SP in Action (12:08) - Hear the Avalon channel strip in use on multi tracked drums, electric piano, brass, electric guitar, and mix bus.