UVI Augmented Orchestra Explained

Join virtual instrument guru Eli Krantzberg for a detailed walkthrough of UVI's hybrid instrument, Augmented Orchestra. In this detailed Augmented Orchestra video course, Eli will explain how to use this unique VI to its fullest potential, familiarizing you with its architecture, myriad parameters and effects, and the many tricks it has its sleeve for generating truly distinctive sounds and textures that will help your songs, film/TV scores, or video game scores stand out from the masses. These videos are for new Augmented Orchestra users.

What Is Augmented Orchestra? (07:09) - Learn about the sounds this instrument includes and the basic layout of the four layers. Organized into two parts, each includes various modulation, FX, and arpeggiator routings.
Harmonizer (03:13) - Explore this inspirational tool that will force notes to conform to specific scales and keys, generate up to five harmony notes that conform, and even create random voicings that omit the proscribed pitches.
Layer Control Basics (04:05) - Follow along as a factory preset is customized using the harmonizer, layer control keyboard ranges, crossfader, pan, and volume controls.
MIDI Dynamics, Amplitude Envelope, & Smoothing Filter (04:57) - Explore how timbre and dynamics are controlled by the per-layer MIDI input, Amplitude Envelope, and smoothing filter controls.
Filters (04:53) - Discover the colorful filtering available with the multimode Xpander filter, the analog-style VCF-20 filter, and the delay/notch-based comb filter.
Pitch & Voicing Modes (03:46) - Learn how the various monophonic and polyphonic pitch transition modes work with both overlapping and non-overlapping notes.
Layer FX (03:19) - Explore the simple, intuitive, and musical layer-based effects available independently for Part A and Part B.
LFO A (05:43) - See how this modulation source is used to create movement in basic amplitude parameters like gain and pan.
LFO B (05:04) - Explore the various shapes and pattern-changing parameters available for this alternate LFO modulation source.
Step Modulators (06:15) - Discover how these step sequencer-style, pattern-based generators are used as a control source to modulate targeted parameter values.
Modulating the Modulators (05:52) - Learn about secondary modulation, wherein the parameters in the modulation sources themselves are modulated.
Arpeggiator & Phraser (10:08) - Explore the deep, musical part generation functions in the combo arpeggiator/phraser section of Augmented Orchestra.
Aux & Global FX (06:28) - Discover the wide range of sound design potential unleashed form the creative onboard aux and global effects available.