Ginger Baker - Master Drum Technique (Hot Licks)

A unique chance to study with an all-time drum legend! The great rock drummer takes you through a wide range of techniques and concepts.

Introduction & Opening Performance (03:52) - Drumming great Ginger Baker welcomes us to the course and give a quick performance.
Sticking & Tuning (05:12) - Ginger discusses "sticking" and tuning drums.
Paradiddle & Mummy Daddy (07:25) - Ginger shows talks about playing paradiddles and Mummy Daddys.
Double Paradiddle, Triple Paradiddle (03:01) - Ginger now discusses double and triple paradiddles.
Mummy Daddy/Paradiddle & Paradiddle/Mummy Daddy (02:58) - In this video, Ginger shows us Mummy Daddy/Paradiddle and Paradiddle/Mummy Daddy combos.
An Array of Sounds & Effects (06:54) - Ginger talks about he countless sounds you can make on drums and effects that can be used.
Short Rolls: 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15 (04:01) - Ginger shows us some short drum rolls.
Flam, Flam Tap, Flam Triplets (02:32) - In this video, Ginger discussesflams, flam taps, and flam triplets.
Drag, Double Drag, Drag Tap (02:11) - Ginger teaches us how to play Drags, Double Drags, and Drag Taps.
Flam Paradiddle, Double Flam Paradiddle, Flam Paradiddle-diddle (02:28) - Ginger discusses the Flam Paradiddle, Double Flam Paradiddle, and Flam Paradiddle-diddle.
Drag Paradiddle, Double Drag Paradiddle (01:42) - In this video, Ginger shows us Drag and Double Drag Paradiddles.
Ratamacue, Double Ratamacue (01:12) - Ginger discusses Ratamacue and Double Ratamacue.
Short Rolls: 4, 6, 8 (01:12) - Ginger shows us some more short rolls.
The Train (A Short Roll Exercise) (01:46) - In this video, Ginger teaches us a short roll exercise.
Single Stroke Rolls (00:59) - Learn some single stroke rolls.
4 Stroke Ruff (01:07) - Ginger teaches us a 4 stroke ruff.
Independence, Double Bass Technique (06:14) - In this video, Ginger talks about hand independence and playing double bass.
Time (The 4th Dimension) (04:37) - Ginger discusses playing "in time".
African Times (05:45) - Ginger explores playing in African Times.
Time Modulations (12:10) - In this final video, Ginger discusses modulating the time in which you are playing.