bx_console Focusrite SC Explained

Since its creation in 1985, the Focusrite ISA-110 channel strip has been revered worldwide by the best engineers and producers in the business. With the bx_console Focusrite SC plugin from Brainworx, you can now have the sound of that module available to you at any time. In this detailed Focusrite SC video tutorial, plugin expert Eli Krantzberg walks you through this plugin, showing you how to get the sounds you want with ease. Along with explanations and demonstrations of all the parameters and controls, you'll hear numerous musical examples in a variety of applications, including standard use along with more creative ideas as well. These videos are for new bx_console Focusrite SC users.

Welcome to bx_console Focusrite SC (07:59) - Learn about the unique bx tolerance modelling technology, total harmonic distortion, and virtual gain features. See how all the main controls are laid out in the interface.
Drum Bus Processing (07:06) - Follow along as several variations of drum bus processing with bx_console Focusrite SC are set up and tweaked in real time.
Individual Drum Multitracks (07:12) - Explore channel strip variations applied to each of the individual drum multi-tracks feeding into the processed drum bus.
Parallel Distortion (04:02) - Hear two different use cases where the Focusrite SC is overdriven to create an overly saturated signal and blended in in parallel with the clean tracks.
Side Channel Processing (02:03) - See how a parallel instance of the Focusrite SC channel strip, set to process the side channel only, is used to open up the space and width of a multi-track drum blend.
Guitar Bus Processing (03:43) - Hear how the interaction between the shelving, high pass, and peaking EQ bands interact to create unique sounding frequency contours.
Brass (02:05) - The Focusrite SC is put to work here to bring out the best qualities of a sampled brass part.
Focusrite SC on the Mix Bus (02:26) - Follow along as a couple of minor tweaks are set up on the mix bus to enhance the blend before hitting a limiter on the output.
Lead Vocal Processing (03:19) - See how the channel strip is put to work on a female lead vocal. Some gentle expansion is used to minimize breaths, while de-essing and side-chain compression are used to tame some of the harsh upper frequencies.
Creative Gating (03:17) - Learn all about how the gating parameters work when a side-chain input is used in the detection pathway.