Stepping It Up

A comprehensive method that's designed to develop style and technique to advance the beginning drummer, these drumming video lessons will take your basic drum skills and elevate them to the next level.

Introduction (03:57) - In this first video, Jamie Borden welcomes us to the course.
Your Setup (05:19) - Jamie discusses the drum set setup.
Getting A Grip (02:45) - Jamie shows us how to properly hold the drum sticks.
Rudiments (13:14) - In this video, Jaime breaks down some of the basic drumming rudiments.
Warming Up (08:51) - Jaime shares some warmup exercises.
Increasing Facility (05:30) - Jaime talks about increasing your technique and abilities on the drums.
Hi-Hat Technique (12:04) - In this video, Jaime shares the hi-hat technique.
Making Practice Fun (13:37) - See Jaime makes practicing fun!
About Jaime's Gear (04:33) - Jaime talks about his gear.
Bach Stabber (03:15) - Jaime plays "Bach Stabber".
Fun With Clave (00:42) - Jamie has some fun playing the Clave.
Nailed To The Wall (02:15) - Jaime jams to "Nailed To The Wall".
Credits (02:13) - The credits are shown for this course.