Mix Bus Processing Explained

If you're not familiar with mix bus processing, you're about to enter into a new sonic realm! Groove3 instructor Thomas Cochran has put together a 65-minute mix bus video course that tells you everything you need to know about this powerful mixing technique. Among other things, you'll learn how to enhance the groove of your mix, add color, and achieve a more balanced sound overall, all of which will help your tracks sound more polished and professional. These videos are for those new to mix bus processing.

What Is a Mix Bus (03:37) - To start off the course, Thomas discusses what a mix bus is, how it's used when mixing songs, and the benefits of doing so.
Adding Color (15:03) - Discover ways of adding color and character to a mix using different types of distortion. This video takes a look at how to use tape, console emulations, and harmonic exciters.
Dynamics & Groove (12:18) - Learn how to use compressors to add groove and balance to entire mixes. This also shows how various styles of compressor can be used color your songs to add a bit of harmonics.
Tone Shaping with EQ (13:40) - Learn how to use various styles of EQ to shape the tone of a mix. These techniques can be used to bring balance and color.
Fixing Resonance (10:50) - Thomas shows how to use soothe2 for dynamic resonance suppression to achieve a more balanced mix. This mix bus processing technique is subtle but can address resonant spikes that happen across your entire mix.
Adding Width (10:05) - Learn how to use stereo-widening plugins on your mix bus to enhance the stereo image and achieve extra depth and clarity.