Pat Torpey - Big Drums

In this remastered and enhanced video lesson, Pat Torpey, the solid hard-rock drummer from Mr. Big, explains the development of his style and techniques through four video chapters of exercises, including a spectacular nine-minute drum solo. He also performs and discusses seven Mr. Big songs, explaining his secrets and tricks.

Opening Performance & Introduction (05:27) - In this first video, Pat Torpey gives a performance and welcomes you to the course.
Paradiddles (07:27) - Pat talks playing paradiddles.
Grace Notes (09:47) - Pat shows his mewthod for playing grace notes.
Drum Solo (09:09) - Watch as Pat performs a drum solo.
Billy Sheehan Q&A (01:31) - Billy Sheehan answers questions about the playing of Pat Torpey.
Hi-Hat (06:00) - In this video, Pat talks playing the hi-hat.
Basic Footwork (11:59) - Pat discusses basic footwork for playing drums.
Singing & Drumming (01:53) - In this quick video, Pat gives his insight on the benefit of being able to sing while he plays.
Pat Torpey Q&A (05:36) - Pat answers questions about playing drums.
Jamming with Billy (05:51) - Pat gives a final performance.