Arlen Roth with Double Trouble Playing in a 3-Piece Band (Hot Licks)

In this remastered and enhanced unique video lesson, master guitarist Arlen Roth and Double Trouble (bassist Tommy Shannon and drummer Chris Layton) show you how to make a 3-piece band “fill in all the gaps.”

Chapter 1 (18:43) - In this first video, Arlen Roth welcomes you to the course with a jam before discussing right hand technique, turnarounds, pentatonic runs, finger technique, the pedal steel 7th, and roll patterns.
Chapter 2 (03:46) - Arlen talks about doubling the bass line.
Chapter 3 (07:04) - In this video, Arlen discusses the song "Treat Her Right" before diving into minor blues and harmonies.
Chapter 4 (04:28) - Arlen shares a "shuffle" exampleand talks about down-picking.
Chapter 5 (04:36) - Arlen shows some more turnarounds and discusses a slow, easy way of playing.
Chapter 6 (24:45) - In this video, Arlen talks about playing harmony shuffles, fills, rhythmic picking, slosed chords, and playing with a walking bass line.
Chapter 7 (04:56) - Arlen signs off with one last jam.