Harmonic Ear Training

An excellent workshop from the assistant chair of the Ear Training Department at the prestigious Berklee College of Music, this video series is a vital intro to the topic for songwriters and performers looking to improve their listening skills and become better musicians.

Introduction & Overview (06:59) - Roberta Radley opens the course with a conversation with Matt Marvuglio.
Getting Started (06:49) - Roberta discusses the first steps in ear training.
Hear the Chords (02:47) - In this video, Roberta shows how to approach hearing the chords.
Hearing Diatonic vs. Non-Diatonic Sound (03:58) - Roberta breaks down teaching yourself to hear diatonic and non-diatonic sounds.
The Vertical Approach (03:38) - Roberta describes the vertical approach.
The Horizontal Approach (03:26) - In this video, Roberta talks the horizontal approach.
Working Out with Your Chord Progression (03:16) - Roberta shows how to "work out" hearing the chord progression.
Summary Tips (02:12) - Roberta gives a few more tips for hearing the chord progression.
What are the Benefits? (02:25) - Roberta and Matt discuss the benefits of being able to "hear" the chord progressions.
Practice Tips (02:25) - Roberta gives a few last tips for practicing hearing the chord progressions.
Dictation Exercises
Intro (00:45) - In this video, Roberta breaks down how to approach using the following dictation exercises.
Hearing the Bass Lines (05:46) - Roberta gives four exercises for hearing bass lines in the key of C.
Hearing Chords in the Key of C (06:19) - In this exercise, you practice hearing chords in the key of C.
Hearing Chords in the Key of F (07:12) - In this exercise, you practice hearing chords in the key of F.
Hearing Chords in the Key of G (07:00) - In this exercise, you practice hearing chords in the key of G.
Hearing Chords in the Key of B♭ (08:04) - In this exercise, you practice hearing chords in the key of B Flat Major.