Mastering with Native Instruments Explained

Studio wiz Larry Holcombe presents comprehensive video tutorials on mastering with Native Instruments! If you've wondered whether or not you can create pro-sounding masters with your Native Instruments plug-ins, such as the Solid Bus Compressor, Supercharger GT, and others, check out this course! Larry walks you through several different mastering strategies, demonstrating how specific tools are used to achieve the desired outcome, as well as mastering three different songs (in different genres) from scratch! These videos are for those new to mastering.

Filtering & Balancing EQ Using Passive EQ (11:22) - In this first video, we introduce passive EQ, using it to filter and improve the tonal balance of a disco house track.
Mid/Side EQ & Fixing Problems with Passive EQ (12:45) - This video focuses on fixing tracks that have imbalances between the left/right and mid/side portions of the signal.
Applying Saturation with Supercharger GT (10:11) - Next up, explore how to use Supercharger GT?s saturation module alongside EQ to hype up certain areas of the frequency spectrum.
Applying Groove Compression with Solid Bus Compressor (08:50) - Discover the power of SSL master bus-style compression, which creates groove and front/back perspective, in this video.
Peak Limiting & Density Compression (06:06) - Peak limiting and density compression allow us to tame transients and thicken or fatten tracks efficiently.
Adding Depth Using Vari Comp (06:11) - The Vari Comp compressor adds to the height and depth of tracks in a very musical way, pushing up the highs and driving down the lows.
Parallel Compression for Enhanced Hype (05:48) - Discover how to utilize an exaggerated compressor in parallel alongside EQ to focus on areas that need enhancing. This again helps us improve the track?s overall tonal balance.
Creating Space with RC24 & RC48 (07:58) - In this video, we solve a problem mix lacking in space and depth by using RC24 and RC48 in different ways. We try out musical pre-delay times to add an extra layer of rhythmic interest to the track.
Mastering a Pop Track (14:23) - Watch as Larry masters a complete pop track next.
Mastering a Country/Rock Track (16:16) - This video concentrates on the master chain for a country/rock track.
Mastering an Electronic Track (14:03) - Last up, we focus on the disco house-style track, creating a bespoke master chain using NI plugins.