Your First Home Studio: Beginner's Guide

Studio expert Patrick Coffin presents comprehensive video tutorials on putting together your first home studio! If you've wanted to set up a home studio but are feeling daunted with all the options and possibilities, this is the course to watch. Patrick makes it easy by focusing on the important elements (acoustics, key equipment, proper techniques, etc.) of studio design, so you don't waste your time or money on unnecessary equipment or gear. These videos are for home recording beginners.

Introduction & Overview (01:38) - We start with a brief introduction and rundown of what we'll be discussing in this series. Building a functional home studio is indeed easier than ever, but the options can be a little daunting.
Room Prep: Choosing a Space & Fixing Low Frequencies (06:37) - Next, examine the often overlooked but highly important step of preparing your recording space to give you the best results. In this video, we talk about different things to consider, and I give some tips on how to get better results without breaking the bank.
Room Prep: Slap-back & Diffusion (07:30) - Now that we've chosen a great room and solved the bass buildup, we'll discuss solving slap-back issues by using more absorption and/or diffusion.
Computers: Mac vs PC & Form Factor (08:01) - Arguably the most important gear choice of any modern recording studio is the computer. This is the brain that runs all the software and peripheral gear and also writes your audio data to disk. In this video, we dive into what operating system and form factor options there are and which may be right for your studio.
Computers: Understanding Components (09:02) - Explore the inner workings of your computer without getting too technical. We discuss CPU, RAM, hard disks, and graphics cards so you?ll know what you're looking for when buying or building your studio computer.
DAW Choices & Software (07:51) - Once you have your computer hardware setup, you'll need to decide what programs fit your desired workflow. A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) will be vital in creating, manipulating, editing, mixing, and mastering your audio, and plugins can help you fill in gaps to make sure you have every tool you need to succeed. This video touches on all types of software to consider as you set up your studio.
Audio Interfaces: Options & Form Factor (10:04) - Explore the piece of hardware that will allow you to record high-quality audio into your computer. Your audio interface is the main hub for all audio connections, so certain care must be taken when choosing which interface is right for you and your studio. In this video, we talk about form factor, connectivity, and other important considerations.
Audio Interfaces: Understanding Components (06:53) - Now that we know what audio interface options are out there, it's time to zero in and talk about what each component inside the interface does, and how to ensure that you're choosing a "quality over quantity" device that will give you the professional sound you require.
Microphones: Dynamics & Ribbons (07:20) - To capture sound to disk, a lot of complex things need to happen. Your microphone converts sound waves into an electrical signal so it can be recorded, but understanding the differences between different types of microphones is key to recording exciting, fulfilling audio. Here, we discuss dynamic and ribbon mics, their differences, and what application each is best suited for.
Microphones: Large & Small Condenser (09:00) - Just like ribbon and dynamic microphones, the condenser mic can feel right at home in your home studio. Learn all about large diaphragm (LDC) and small diaphragm (SDC) condenser microphones and get down to the nitty-gritty on what makes them shine on certain sources.
Recording Accessories (05:20) - No matter how simple or extravagant your mic locker is, there are a few simple, cost-effective accessories that will make any mic sound or function better. Here we talk about a handful of commonly overlooked items that will help you record better audio.
Monitoring: Headphones vs Monitors (06:49) - The best audio chain in the world means nothing if you're not hearing it accurately. In this video, discover the ins and outs of monitoring your audio. We discuss the benefits and drawbacks of studio monitors and headphones, as well as their roles in both tracking audio and mixing.
Monitoring: Position, Controllers, & Tech (07:29) - Next, we hit on the tried and true principles to consider when setting up studio monitors, and we discuss monitor controllers and some cool technologies that can help you monitor more accurately.
Signal Chain: Plugging It All In (03:15) - Now that we've discussed each component, we'll put them all together and discuss the signal chain. Although all studio setups are different, there's a basic order that almost all follow through the input and output phases.
MIDI Keyboards & Controllers (02:33) - The world of MIDI is best navigated with a MIDI controller of some kind. In this video, we plug in a MIDI device and explore how to use it via USB or with a MIDI cable into a separate MIDI interface.
Conclusions & Final Thoughts (02:05) - We wrap up with a quick summary of what we've learned, and I send you on your way with some final advice and a few more things to think about as you put everything together and start making some amazing music.