The Guitar of Brian Setzer (Hot Licks)

In this remastered and enhanced Hot Licks video series, here's your chance to get a one-on-one lesson with Brian Setzer of Stray Cats! Brian shows you a whole range of rockabilly, blues, jazz, and country licks and tricks including wild string-bending techniques, slap-echo effects, jazz and swing guitar styles, and some really hot solos that he breaks right down for you. Brian makes learning fun, so you'll really enjoy this session!

Introduction (01:42) - In this first video, Brian Setzer welcomes you to this course with an opening jam.
Rockabilly Rhythm (09:47) - Brian discusses his style of playing a rockabilly rhythm.
Rockabilly Solo (11:39) - Learn how Brian goes about playing a rockabilly solo.
Rockabilly Chord Riffs and Bop Runs (07:51) - In this video, Brian talks about chord riffs and gives some examples before diving into "bop runs".
Tricks, Riffs, Licks and Double-String Fun (08:06) - Brian shares some of his tricks, riffs, and licks, before having some double-string fun.
The Blues and Chord Substitution (06:16) - Brian explores playing a blues and chord substitution.
Drop D Tuning (05:14) - In this video, Brian demonstrates playing in Drop D tuning.
Outro (02:43) - Brian wraps up the course.
Bonus Content: Effects and Sleepwalk Performance plus Rock This Town (11:48) - In this bonus video, see Brian discuss the effects he uses on his guitar, as well as play the songs "Sleepwalk" and "Rock This Town".