Producing Modern Metal Explained

Studio pro Gary Hiebner presents comprehensive metal production video tutorials! If you've wondered how to create that hyper-realistic, super tight and focused modern metal sound, this course is the one to watch. Gary takes you through the entire process of producing and mixing a metal song, concentrating on all the elements - drums, guitars, bass, vocals, etc. - and addressing specific concerns for each, including editing, processing, and more. These videos are for beginning metal producers and mixers.

Introduction (03:46) - Gary gives you an introduction on what's going to be covered in the video series.
Setup & Routing (11:26) - In this video, you'll learn the setup and routing that will be used for the song being demonstrated.
Gaining the Drums (07:21) - This video takes a look at the critical step of gain staging and panning the drums.
Processing the Kick (09:49) - Explore the different effects used to process the kick drum.
Processing the Snare (10:24) - Discover the effects used to process the all-important snare in this video.
Processing the Cymbals (04:11) - In this video, take a look at how the cymbals are processed to achieve a solid top end.
Mixing the Toms (05:30) - Next up, explore the different methods used to mix the toms.
Adding in the Room Mics (04:23) - In this video, Gary demonstrates how to add ambience and excitement with the room mics.
Bus Processing on the Drums (07:49) - To gel all the drums together, it's very common to add some processing to the drum bus. Get the details in this video.
Working on the Bass with a Bass Amp Sim (11:02) - This video shows how to use a bass amp sim with the DI bass signal for added tonal versatility.
Creating a Split Clean & Distorted Bass (06:42) - Alternatively, you can combine a clean bass DI with an amp sim to create a composite bass tone. See how it's covered in this video.
ReAmping the Guitars (07:13) - This video demonstrates how the guitar DI signals are revamped with the guitar amp sims.
Processing the Guitars (10:25) - Learn how to further process your guitars - post amp sim - to better sit in the mix.
Audio Techniques for Hyper-Realism (12:56) - Hyper realism is the process of editing your audio so it sounds super tight and polished - an often-used technique in modern metal. Discover how to add this polish to your productions with this video.
Creating Ambient Guitars (11:07) - Metal isn't just about being heavy; contrast is a key element. Creating clean ambient guitars can contrast the heavy distorted guitars nicely.
Creating Interest with Extra Guitar Parts (07:29) - In this video, Gary shows how to add interest in your production by layering up extra guitar parts.
Arranging the Breakdown (13:29) - The breakdown is an important element in modern metal, especially in the metal core style genres. Take a look at how super hyped up parts like this can be created.
Transitions to the Breakdown (08:50) - Here you'll learn how to create more impact leading into a breakdown, which can dramatically heighten the intensity of the section.
Processing the Lead Guitar (15:35) - This video explores how to process a focused lead guitar in the mix.
Working on the Instrument Bus (06:40) - Here we look at how to process all the instruments going to the instrument bus.
Using Reverb Send Effects (05:46) - Next, discover how to setup and use reverb sends in your metal productions.
Sidechaining the Kick & Bass (05:19) - Sidechaining is a great technique to create more separation between the kick and Bass. Gary shows how it's done in this video.
Arranging & Mixing the Clean Vocals (20:26) - This video demonstrates how to arrange and implement clean style vocals in your metal productions.
Editing the Clean Vocals (03:35) - Continuing from the previous video, discover what extra audio editing techniques you can apply to your clean vocals.
Processing the UnClean Vocals (18:31) - This video looks at how to incorporate unclean vocals like screams and how they can provide contrast in the mix.
Using Delay & Reverb Throws (11:40) - This video expands on sends and how you can use reverb and delay fader throws for further interest in your mix.
Finalizing Your Master (14:20) - To wrap it up, we finalize the song by adding a mastering chain to the main output bus.