Vital Explained

Synth expert Larry Holcombe presents a comprehensive set of Vital video tutorials! If you're looking for groundbreaking new sounds to set your tracks apart from the masses, you need to check out this video series. Larry breaks down every awesome feature of this innovative synth plugin and demonstrates the amazing and inspiring sounds that are possible. From simple preset scrolling to creating your own inimitable sounds from scratch, it's all here. These videos are for new Vital users.

Interface & Presets (05:11) - First up, Larry gives an overview of the interface and also discusses the preset section.
Oscillator Pitch & Routing (12:17) - Next up, investigate the pitch options for Vital's oscillators and also the filter routing options.
Oscillator Display, Spectral & Wave Morphing (12:13) - In this video, Larry discusses the ways in which you can visualize your wavetables, add unisons, and also manipulate them using the spectral warping and wave morph dials.
FM, RM & Re-Synthesizing Wavetables (10:11) - Learn how to use FM synthesis to generate carrier and modulator oscillators which can create rich harmonic textures. Then see how to employ envelope modulation to add some movement, as well as use ring modulation in a similar way to make strange sci-fi effects. Lastly, Larry explains and explores the re-synthesis capabilities of Vital's oscillators.
Wavetable Editor Pt. 1 (13:59) - See how to create wavetables from a blank canvas using the wavetable editor. Then learn to draw in your own waveforms using the wave and line sources and change them over time to create a morphing wavetable.
Wavetable Editor Pt. 2 (13:16) - In this video, learn to create a harmonically rich layered patch in Logic, bounce it down to audio, and load it into Vital. Then see how to use a formula to calculate the correct window size for the sample to play back at the correct pitch within Vital's wavetable editor. Next, discover a drag-and-drop approach that allows you to import wavetables with key frames automatically added. Finally, see how to enhance the morphing potential of your wavetables using the modifier options.
Wavetable Editor Pt. 3 (12:14) - Larry shows how to create a layered patch consisting of a wave source, an audio source, and a line source to design a very complex wavetable. Then he demonstrates how to add effects to the sound, showcasing the potential of this amazing synth! Also covered are the text-to-speech, vocode, and pitch splice features.
The Sampler (05:49) - Next up, take a look at the sampler, which allows you to play back samples in a no-frills manner. This is great for layering real sounds with your wavetables!
The Filters (10:05) - In this video, you'll discover the filters, then focus on routing, filter configuration, filter modes, and also setting them up to work in a dual configuration.
The Envelopes (03:34) - In this video, Larry covers the envelopes, demonstrating the ways in which you can audition envelope modulation, and also explains the delay and hold features of the envelope.
LFOs (16:09) - Larry introduces Vital's LFOs, which an be used to create custom LFO shapes for interesting modulation possibilities. Learn to create smooth transitions between points, loop the LFO at different points, and save custom LFO shapes.
Other Modulation Sources (07:50) - Next up, discover the modulation sources which allow you to generate modulation that's tied to MIDI note on/off messages, including key tracking, aftertouch, and velocity, among others.
Random Modulation (06:18) - In this video, learn how to use the two random modulators, including their unique randomness modes, to create smooth modulation signals.
Global Settings (04:31) - Larry covers the polyphony and glide settings and demonstrates how to assign the mod wheel and pitch bend wheel as modulators.
Macros (08:06) - Discover macros and the way in which they can be used to change multiple parameters with one dial. Larry also demonstrates how to use these alongside the Mod Remap Tool, effectively resulting in a scrollable LFO.
Effects Pt. 1 (11:45) - In this video, learn how to use the chorus, compressor, delay, distortion, and EQ effects and also how to re-order the effects modules.
Effects Pt. 2 (06:35) - Here, Larry covers the remaining effects of filter, flanger, phaser, and reverb.
Mod Matrix (08:49) - Next up, discover the Mod Matrix, which allows you to add in manual modulation routings and set these as bipolar and stereo modulators. You'll also learn to re-map an LFO to create interesting sequences.
Advanced Settings (07:32) - Larry talks through the advanced settings in this video, covering the ways in which you can stack your extra oscillator voices in pitch, wavetable position, and the oscillator spectral and distortion dials.
Synthesized Kick Drum (08:33) - In the first sound design example, learn to create a synthesized kick from a pitch-decaying sine wave and a sampled kick attack.
Huge Pad Sound (11:24) - Finally, Larry shows how to create a huge pad sound with multiple wavetables modulating, unison, a sampled foley layer, and liberal use of effects.