Arturia Emulator II V Explained

Synth expert Tyler Coffin delivers comprehensive Arturia Emulator II V tutorials! Experience Arturia's recreation of a seminal sampling workhorse from the '80s, the E-Mu Systems Emulator II. Learn and explore all of the Emulator II V's features and functions, as well as see how to create amazing sounds with this spot-on recreation from scratch. These videos are designed for new Arturia Emulator II V users.

Introduction & Overview (02:51) - First, get a brief look at the broad aspects and setup of the Arturia Emulator II V including a bit of history before digging further into the instrument.
The User Interface & Basic Operation (06:39) - In this video, get acquainted with the main interface and general layout of the Emulator II V so that you have a good initial idea of how you can approach it later in more detail.
The Main Panel (07:34) - The Main Panel is home to some controls used for quick access to linked voices without digging further into the more involved parts of the Emulator II V. Here, get a sense of some of those controls.
The Advanced Panel Overview & Sample Settings (08:47) - The Advanced Panel gives access to controls with a far greater ability to craft sounds and samples in ways expanded from what the original Emulator II could even do. Get a brief look at the Edit, Assign, and Effects Sections before jumping into setting up samples.
The Edit Section Voice Settings (10:03) - After getting a sample in place, the next step is to define the filter, amplifier, and linking settings for any of the eight voices. Here, explore the rest of the Edit Section and its controls.
The Assign Section (05:13) - The Assign Section allows you to set up how your keyboard will react with different voices in different positions and velocities, plus you can set up MIDI control destinations for Velocity, Aftertouch, Key tracking, and wheels. See how!
The Effects Section (11:23) - Effects can be the final touch to make a sound truly shine. The Emulator II V gives you three slots with plenty of effects to decorate your output signal.
Utilizing the Emulator II V as a Whole (05:09) - Having seen all of these different elements on their own, now widen the scope to get a feel for how each aspect can integrate with the rest to make more from the whole, rather than the sum of its parts.
Preset Management & the Browser (06:57) - As with all Arturia virtual instruments, the Browser is an excellent tool for keeping organized and easily access the rich set of presets from the factory, or even add your own. Here, you'll learn all about this intuitively designed section.
Sound Design Example: Bass (07:46) - In this video, see how to use your knowledge of the Emulator II V to make a sample-based bass sound that employs the filter and an Overdrive effect.
Sound Design Example: Lead (06:30) - Now watch a few examples of sound design that utilize a cool legato lead with a sample-based twist.
Sound Design Example: Pad (11:02) - In this video, you'll get a more in-depth example of sound design by making a big pad sound that makes use of a lot of the abilities and retro samples that the Emulator II V offers.
Review & Conclusion (05:16) - Last but not least, see a wrap up with a quick recap and some closing remarks before going off on your own to make fantastic sounds with the Arturia Emulator II V!