Joe Bonamassa – Lead Guitar Unlimited (Hot Licks)

Filmed early in his career, Joe Bonamassa was already a master player and teacher, and he gives it all he's got on these remastered videos

Influences (23:50) - In this first video, Joe Bonamassa welcomes you to the course and discusses his musical influences.
Phrasing & Styling (20:43) - Joe tackles the subject of phrasing and styling.
Picking, Bending & Vibrato (22:43) - In this video, Joe shows picking style, bending notes, and vibrato.
Slide Guitar (11:40) - See Joe explain slide guitar.
Acoustic Guitar (08:18) - Joe shows some acoustic guitar technique.
Effects & Sounds (17:57) - In this final video, Joe discusses guitar effects and the different sounds they can make.