Jimmy Bruno - No Nonsense Jazz Guitar (Hot Licks)

In this remastered and enhanced Hot Licks video series, get a lesson from the masterful Jimmy Bruno, who has played guitar with some of the all time greats, including Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand and Elvis Presley.

Introduction (05:07) - Jimmy Bruno welcomes you to the course.
II-V-I Progressions (06:05) - In this video, Jimmy shows some II-V-I progressions.
Six Major Scale Positions (04:05) - Jimmy shows six major scale position examples.
Playing Over the II-V-I Progression (18:01) - In this video, Jimmy plays over a II-V-I progression.
Passing Tones (03:44) - Jimmy discusses passing tones.
Eight Dorian Positions (26:35) - In this video, Jimmy shows eight Dorian positions.
Melodic Minor Scale (07:49) - Jimmy shows a melodic minor scale.
Picking Techniques (10:52) - Jimmy shows some picking techniques.
Chords and Comping (07:12) - In this video, Jimmy discusses chords and comping.
Chords and Bass Lines (03:38) - In this video, Jimmy discusses chords and bass lines.
Turnarounds (03:11) - Jimmy shows off some turnarounds.
Seven String Guitar (01:52) - Jimmy talks about why he plays a seven string guitar.
The First Lesson (12:38) - In this video, Jimmy talks about what he would talk about in the first one on one lesson.
End Performance (03:33) - Jimmy gives one last performance.