UVI Falcon 2 Explained

Studio wiz Eli Krantzberg brings you a detailed video manual for UVI's incredible Falcon 2 virtual instrument! Learn all of its features and functions including how to use them to make your next production. These videos are designed for new Falcon 2 users.

Falcon 2 Basics
Falcon Overview (06:55) - Learn about all the different elements and components that make up programs, or instruments, within Falcon.
Getting Around the Interface (06:49) - See what the Main, Mixer, and Performance Views are used for, and follow along as a simple multi is set up with a velocity layer and customized filter modulation.
Working with the File Browser (06:08) - Explore the various ways of navigating, searching, and loading programs and multis.
The Sidebar Browsers (04:00) - See how the sidebar browsers are used to drag and drop presets for the different components that comprise a program.
Edit Tab: Program & Layer Parameters (06:35) - Explore the Edit Tab Program and Layer level parameter controls, along with ways of customizing what is viewed and what is hidden.
Edit Tab: Keygroup Parameters (06:05) - Discover how effects and modulation are retriggered with each voice, and how some of the modulation trigger modes work.
Edit Tab: Oscillator Parameters (05:08) - See how the oscillator parameters are used to set up round-robin style programming between multiple oscillators.
Introduction to the Mapping Editor (04:54) - Learn how to map samples manually or automatically when creating a keygroup on import, adjust key & velocity ranges, and more.
Working in the Mapping Editor (05:26) - Explore working with and editing multiple layers, keygroups, and oscillators.
Modulation Editor Basics (07:49) - Learn how to work with modulation assignments and sources, and how to edit modulation generators.
Working with Modulation (05:03) - See how to use the Modulation Quick View menu to create and edit modulators, how to drag and drop to multiple parameters, and more.
The Effects Tab (06:54) - Discover how this view is used to manage all of the audio effects processing paths from the effects on the master output, all the way down to effects on the individual keygroups.
The Info & Event Tabs (03:51) - Learn how to assign and map macros on the info tab, and how to manage Event and Script processors on the Event Tab.
Parts, Tree, & List Views (04:43) - See how these views are used to access and manage various part, program, layer, keygroup, modulation, and effects based parameters.
Falcon 2 in Action
Analog Oscillator & Modulation Mapper (06:58) - Explore the sonic characteristics of the classic virtual analog oscillator, and see how the modulation mapper is put to use remapping an LFO control signal.
The Analog Stack Oscillator & Wave Shaper (04:46) - Get some ideas on how to use the analog stack oscillator along with the Waveshaper effect and some step pattern modulation to create a trance gate effect.
The Additive Oscillator (07:24) - See how this is used to create harmonic or enharmonic tones by partial stretching, fractional order filtering, even/odd harmonic control, and continuous morphing between wave shapes.
The Pluck Oscillator (07:39) - Discover how this synth oscillator blends a sampled impulse response with modeling to craft expressive and flexible plucked string sounds.
Introduction to Script Processors (08:21) - See how various script processors, including the new Euclidian Tonal Script, are used to process incoming MIDI notes before they reach the sound generating oscillators.
Exploring the Wavetable Oscillator (06:10) - Hear how this oscillator achieves unique sounds by using either a waveform or FM based sine wave modulator in conjunction with a wavetable containing multiple wave shapes.
The FM Oscillator (05:01) - Explore the FM oscillator, and follow along as a simple bass patch is created.
The Organ & Noise Oscillators (03:47) - Discover how these simple and intuitive oscillators, along with some simple effects processing, are quickly put to use in musical contexts.
The Drum Oscillator (06:33) - Learn the basics of using the drum oscillator to create simple kick, snare, and hi hat sounds.
Introduction to Euclidian Drum (03:54) - Learn the basics of programming beats using the pattern based row parameters in the Euclidian Drum Script Processor.
Velocity Layers, Batch Processing, & Exclusive Groups (02:39) - Get a quick overview of how to set up velocity layers, batch process samples, and set up exclusive groups.
The Slice Oscillator (09:42) - Explore how the slice parameters are used to slice up and play back rhythmic material.
The Stretch Oscillator (05:00) - See how this is used to pitch shift samples while keeping the speed of the sample constant.
The IRCAM Granular Oscillator (05:20) - Discover how samples are divided into grains, and then recombined to play back at different speeds, pitches, and directions, for interesting creative results.
Other IRCAM Oscillators (05:45) - Learn how the IRCAM Multi Granular, Scrub, and Stretch oscillators each offer unique granular control over your sound.
Key Switches & Layer Rules (04:00) - Watch two simple ways to set up and work with key switch instruments in Falcon 2.
Working with the Arpeggiator (06:15) - Explore the creative potential of the powerful Arpeggiator Event Processor.
Effects Rack, Macros, & Host Automation (04:45) - See how Effects Racks are created, how macros are assigned, and how to set up host automation to polish and finalize your sounds.
2.1 Update
Magnetic Bass Shaper (02:15) - Hear how this new bass-focused FX module adds the saturation characteristics from two different models of Fasel Red and Fasel Yellow inductors.
Feedback Machine (03:52) - The Feedback Machine is a variant of the standard Effect Rack with a featured feedback loop, providing control over feedback amount, feedback injection delay, and overall mix amount. Explore it in action on an aggressive organ lead.
Step Arp (05:45) - A beautifully designed hybrid step sequencer and arpeggiator, Step Arp gives unprecedented per step control over every aspect of pitch, time, and more.
Gate Mod (04:05) - Learn about this probability based tool that allows us to add note skipping with optional beat protection, delay, and adaptive ratcheting.
Gate Mod Poly (04:15) - See how this polyphonic version of the gate mod script is used to add probability based skipping, delays, and ratcheting on a per note basis, using a melodic sequence.
Gate Mod Bernoulli (03:38) - Explore this 2 channel probability based note router on a simple melodic pattern.
Chord Strum (01:36) - Watch how this new performance script is used to spread out the notes of a chord by pressing a trigger note outside the chord’s range.
Arpeggiator Record (03:16) - Discover this fantastic new arpeggiator feature, which allows you to create patterns by step recording the notes presses on your keyboard instead of using the mouse.
2.5 Update
VCF-20 FX (04:54) - Explore the new emulations of the single and dual versions of the MS-20 VCF filter.
TS Overdrive & Multi LFO (04:28) - Discover the subtle saturation introduced to an organ sound using the new Tube Screamer Overdrive emulation and see how the new multi LFO modulation source is used to create complex rhythmic LFO shapes by summing together sine, triangle, square/pulse width, saw, and sample-and-hold shapes into one composite LFO shape.
Cartesian & Wave Sequencer Scripts (06:18) - Eli demonstrates the Cartesian sequencer and Wave sequencer event processing scripts and how they transform incoming MIDI notes in real time based on values set for multiple parameters that influence, pitch, rhythm, gate time, panning, polyphonic aftertouch, and more.
Rain & Warp Sequencers (05:38) - Explore these two sequencer scripts, both of which are used to generate evolving patterns with interesting permutations.
The Euclidian Keys Sequencer Script (05:03) - Learn how this script is used to create unique sequence patterns for each of the twelve chromatic note pitches.
Probability Arp & MIDI Record Scripts (04:54) - Explore this arpeggiator with chance-based octave, ratchet, skip, accent, direction, pan, and harmonization parameters. Learn how to capture its output using the new MIDI Record event script.
Other New Scripts (05:11) - Check out the MIDI Pitch Delay, Note Pan, MIDI Monitor, & Velocity Test scripts in action.
2.8 Update
The Texture Oscillator (03:56) - Discover this new sampling oscillator, designed to create complex and evolving playable textures from two channels of sample playback, tweaked with key-tracked bandpass and peak filters.
New Effects (06:37) - Explore the new Dual Delay X, Shifter, Harmonizer, Granulizer, Feedback Compressor, Diffuse Delay, and Velvet Delay effects modules added in Falcon 2.8.
New Event Processors Pt. 1 (07:55) - Learn about the new Ostinato Arp, Chip Arp, and Slice Remixer script processors and hear them in action.
New Event Processors Pt. 2 (05:22) - More new script processors are explored, including the Waterfall, Tape Mod, Strum Wheel, Portamento Stepped, Balloons, and Boids scripts.