Hammond B-3X Explained

Studio software pro Eli Krantzberg shows you everything needed to navigate, use and create incredibly realistic Hammond B3 organ tones with IK Multimedia's Hammond B-3X virtual instrument! This video manual is designed for those new to the IK Multimedia Hammond B-3X and want to know all bout its features and functions, including how to use them creatively.

B-3X Overview (09:36) - Take a tour around the B-3X user interface and see how and where all the main controls are accessed.
Working with the Leslie (07:43) - Explore the variation of Leslie speaker control available by altering the fast and slow speeds, the acceleration and deceleration rates when switching speeds, mixing and matching various Leslie amp and cabinet models, and varying the mic placement.
Drawbars in Action (04:14) - Watch as the drawbar presets are switched in real-time using the inverted drawbar preset keys. Then see how they are mapped to faders on a MIDI controller and controlled individually in real-time to modify the organ's tone during a performance.
Putting the Expression Pedal to Work (04:00) - Hear how the Expression pedal is used to control the dynamics of the organ as well as the level fed into the guitar amp cabinet section, and then to additionally control the movement of the Wah pedal in the Stomps section.
Using Two Keyboards (03:30) - Discover how two keyboards, each outputting to a different MIDI channel, are used to trigger the Swell Manual and Great Manual separately in the Hammond B-3X.
Bass Pedals (04:09) - Watch as the Hammond B-3X bass pedals are incorporated into a MIDI performance on a separate MIDI channel.
Percussion (04:58) - Explore how these rocker switches and advanced setting controls affect the attack and sustain portion of each note by enhancing either the second or third harmonics.
Chorus-Vibrato & Tonewheels (06:40) - Explore the vibrato-chorus settings, and other Tonewheel settings available in the Advanced tab.
Managing Drawbar Settings (05:45) - Learn how some non real-time ways of varying the timbre throughout a performance, by using the inverted drawbar key's contextual menu to create related drawbar setting variations.
Effects, Cabs, & Program Changes (07:21) - Hear some of the Stomps, cab settings, and post effects in action, and learn how to use program change messages to create variations in a performance.