Exponential Audio Stratus Explained

Studio guru Eli Krantzberg delivers an in-depth Exponential Audio Stratus video tutorial series! Let Eli show what every feature and function does on this powerful reverb plug-in, including it's 3D surround capabilities and more! These videos are designed for new Exponential Audio Stratus users.

Navigating the Presets (08:15) - Explore ways of navigating through the factory presets using keywords, keyboard shortcuts, and boolean searches.
Storing User Presets (05:20) - Learn how to create and assign custom keywords, as well as how to store, replace, delete, import, and export, your own User presets.
Basic Controls (07:16) - Explore the various tempo sync options for predelay, how to set the level at which the reverb tails stops, and see how to make quick one-knob adjustments to the dry/wet mix, as well as overall reverb time and level.
Input Filtering (03:47) - Hear how the six different filter types effect the placement of a sound within a space.
Output Filtering (04:32) - Discover how filtering the output in conjunction with the input, is useful for problem solving and overall reverb shaping.
Early Reflections (06:37) - This refers to the initial sound that arrives back at the listener after being reflected off of the surfaces in the listening environment. See how to control distribution and energy of these first reflections that are generated before the reverb tail kicks in.
Reverb Attack (04:13) - Explore how the parameters on this page control the way the audio signal enters the reverb.
Reverb Tail (06:34) - Listen to how the characteristics and dampening of the reverb in different frequency ranges are controlled with the parameters found on the Reverb Tail page.
Warp (07:51) - Discover how the compression and drive functions found on the Warp page are used to tailor the envelope of the reverb around the source material.
Getting Started with Multi Channel Audio (04:00) - Learn about Stratus 3D and multi channel audio, and see how to create the additional height channels in Pro Tools used in the new 7.1.6 format.
Surround & 3D Controls (04:27) - Explore the sub formats available, and how the early reflections, reverb tail, and delay are scaled for each of the available channels.