Slap Bass - The Ultimate Guide

In this Hal Leonard video tutorial series, bass master Ed Friedland presents Slap Bass - The Ultimate Guide. This in-depth video tutorial series provides instruction on slapping, popping, left-hand integration, dead notes, and more dangerous techniques.

Intro Jam & Funk Setup (08:12) - In this first video, we are introduced to bassist Ed Friedland through an intro jam and then we tune and set up together.
The Slap (09:06) - In this video, we start with the basics of the right hand slap.
The Pop (04:05) - Here, we go over the other crucial part of the technique, the pop.
Octaves (12:01) - Ed goes over octaves and how they related to a good slap style.
The Hammer (12:07) - Adding another technique to the funk bass toolbox, we learn about the left hand hammer.
Dead Notes (05:12) - In this video, we learn about dead notes and how to incorporate them into our sonic palette of funk.
Left-Hand Slap (08:59) - Next, we go over a powerful technique using the left hand.
Special Techniques (12:46) - Ed goes over other techniques that are beyond the basics of the slap and pop.
Grooving with a Drum Machine (18:20) - Here, we go over playing to a tempo using a drum machine.
Building a Groove (06:49) - Taking all that we've learned so far, we put it together in a real world musical context.
Funk History & Closing Jam (07:08) - In this final video, Ed talks about a few funk pioneers and then ends the lesson with a closing jam.