Production Review with Bob Horn & Erik Reichers - Episode 1

Bob Horn and Erik Reichers are back in their first new Groove3 production video tutorial series, Production Review - Episode 1. See how the guys along with guest producer AJ Jenkins tackle a production makeover, including the steps they take, the reasons why, as well as creative tips and tricks for production and mixing.

Intro & Comparison (02:29) - One signature component to AJ's production style is to incorporate a live performance of an instrument, and he explains why it's crucial. So in keeping with that style he has convinced Bob to play some guitar on this production.
Breakdown (10:56) - AJ now begins to explain some of his changes and the reasoning behind them to push the song closer to his vision.
Elements (08:46) - Getting a bit deeper into the new production, AJ imparts some advice he has picked up along the way of his career and demonstrates a great sonic texture derived from animal sounds.
Adding a Live Presence (02:46) - One signature component to AJ's production style is to incorporate a live performance of an instrument, and he explains why it's crucial. So in keeping with that style he has convinced Bob to play some guitar on this production.
Mic'ing a Guitar Amp (01:57) - Erik jumps in and demonstrates a tried and true microphone setup for a guitar cabinet, and explains the often overlooked phase relationship of a multi-mic setup.
Recording Guitar (10:58) - Now it's time to record some guitars and here Bob is the musician while AJ is producing and guiding him on what he is looking for. Note: This was done in real-time and was very organic to the normal interaction AJ has with musicians in production.
Working on the Live Performance (07:51) - AJ goes into detail about what he did to the guitars sonically and production wise.
Prepping the Production for Export (12:59) - Get in a great conversation about professional standards for delivering your production, ready to be sent out for mixing.
Roles (13:24) - AJ shares some of his experiences about producing and the different roles people play.
Getting a Balance (04:45) - Bob now brings AJ into the control room to re-balance his mix in a controlled acoustical environment. This way AJ has the opportunity to get things sounding how he envisioned before Bob starts to mix. Watch how AJ makes different decisions now that they are in a different acoustical environment.
The Mix Down Pt. 1 (11:20) - Bob kicks it off by reviewing Eggo's original, then AJ's mix. Then hear Bob's final rough mix, followed by an overview of what he did to get the song to that level.
The Mix Down Pt. 2 (14:31) - AJ and Bob have an in-depth conversation about mixing and the importance of bass frequencies. They then wrap up the series with a play through of AJ's production with Bob's Rough Mix.