The Cheat Sheet for Programming Jazz Piano

Eli Krantzberg slips you the cheat sheet for programming realistic jazz piano parts for your songs and productions. Don't have jazz chops? No problem, Eli shows you how to work around all that using any modern DAW!

The Cheat Sheet (04:53) - Learn all about what these videos will cover, and discover the "Cheat Sheet" method that will be used throughout the series.
The Faster Tempo, the Less You Need to Play (08:23) - Watch as effective two note voicings are programmed for the left hand, followed by simple diatonic melodic lines with the right hand, for an uptempo piano solo.
Left Hand Voice Leading (06:31) - Practice this simple two note voicing exercise to get familiar with basic step based voice leading while cycling through II-V-I chord progressions in all twelve keys.
Three Note Left Hand Voicings (07:17) - Learn a couple of different ways to add a third note to use with simple left hand comping patterns.
Simple Minor Voicings (04:02) - Learn these two systems of three note chord voicings that will get you through left hand parts in any minor key.
Altering Diatonic Scales & Modes Pt. 1 (10:49) - Explore ways of incorporating passing tones when using the Dorian & Mixolydian modes during solos.
Altering Diatonic Scales & Modes Pt. 2 (06:45) - Discover useful altered notes to incorporate into solo lines over the tonic chord, and the VI 7 chord.
Arps & Neighboring Tones (08:09) - Explore a few ways to incorporate arpeggios and neighboring tones into your melodic lines.
Improvising in Minor Keys (05:39) - Learn a simple method to incorporate the Locrian and Super Locrian modes when soloing in minor keys.
Don't Forget About the Blues Scale! (09:47) - The blues scale can be used as a nice soulful accent either on its own, or mixed in with some of the other traditional scales and modes. Here we look at two ways of incorporating the blues scale into jazz soloing.
Modern Playing - A Modal Approach (10:52) - Explore ways of using fourth voicings in the left hand and pentatonic scales in the right hand, to fake a modern modal style of playing.
Putting it All Together (10:18) - In this final video, we take the chord progression from an old jazz standard, and put together a two chorus solo incorporating elements from all the various ideas and approaches explored in this series.