Loudness Explained

Adam Pollard aka Multiplier, delivers videos on an invaluable topic, loudness. Understanding loudness gives you an edge when mixing, mastering, or just preparing your tracks and songs for further processing or release. See why with these tutorials!

Introduction (00:50) - Adam welcomes you to the course and gives a preview of what he will be covering.
How Loud Should You Make Your Track? (03:56) - Discover how loud to make your track, and why. Adam also gives rough Int LUFS numbers to aim for, justifying why.
It's Good To Be Quiet! (06:00) - In this video, Adam explores loudness normalization, and the consequences for playback dynamic range. And how this means it's "Good to Be Quiet".
Playback Headroom (09:36) - Learn about playback headroom, and how this means you should always "Stay Within Your Genre's Loudness Range". Adam shows audio examples of what happens if you don't.
Limiting (03:40) - Learn how to change loudness using a limiter, and the consequential "loudness vs dynamic range" trade-off.
Cut or Boost Lows (04:14) - Adam shows two solutions you can use if limiting doesn't get you to the target loudness.
Advanced Limiting Concepts (05:15) - In this video, Adam discusses why you can't keep limiting indefinitely. See how you can push the limiter just that little bit further, by learning when to make it faster, and when to make it slower.
Can't Limit Indefinitely (03:03) - Each waveform has a maximum loudness. It may sound obvious, but it's critical to understanding loudness. In this video, Adam dives into this concept.
Waveform Choice (04:09) - Adam shows how waveform choice (and equivalently, EQ & distortion) effect loudness, and ultimately limit how loud something can ever be.
Panning (03:00) - Explore what panning is, and how it affects potential loudness.
Why To Not Use RMS (04:00) - Learn about RMS, how it's not well-defined, frequency independent, and therefore not suitable to measure loudness.
The Problem with LUFS (04:57) - Yes, LUFS doesn't always work.See why in this video.
Which LUFS to Use (07:41) - Dig deeper into LUFS, exploring different algorithm options, and how you might be able to exploit a flaw in platforms using Integrated LUFS.
Macro Loudness (02:20) - Learn how to control the loudness (and consequently - energy, emotion, excitement), over the duration of your track.
True Peak Limiting (04:09) - Discover what "true peak"? is, true peak limiting, why to TPL, and how.
DC Offset (03:42) - Adam explains DC Offset, how can it effect loudness, and how can we remove it.
Fletcher Munson Curves (07:36) - This video explores how we as humans hear different frequencies - looking at all the insights, nuances, and applications of these curves.