Reason Drum Sequencer Explained

Reason Guru Paul Ortiz shows you everything you need to know about the new Drum Sequencer player in Reason 10! Learn all about it and how to use it creatively when producing in Reason.

First Beat & Pattern Variations (04:30) - In this first video, Paul covers the basics of inputting drum hits into the new Drum Sequencer player, as well as how to automate pattern changes.
Remapping Lanes, Playback Modes & Pattern Lengths (06:11) - Now learn how to remap MIDI notes on the Drum Sequencer, as well as using per-channel playback modes and pattern lengths to create overlapping rhythms.
Live Note Input, Randomization & Pattern Presets (03:34) - Paul shows you how to use live MIDI input as an alternative to clicking on the display, as well as how to use the built-in randomization and pattern preset functions.
Probability Sequencing & Note Repeat (06:21) - Next up, discover how to use "probability" based sequencing to create semi-generative drum beats, as well as note ratcheting to fit multiple hits into a single step.
Using Player Automation to Create Variations (04:39) - See how to use channel mute automation to create kickless variations on your patterns without wasting precious pattern slots.
Increasing Lane & Pattern Count (02:47) - Now take a look at how to stack players to access more drum channels as well as expand the number of patterns beyond eight.
Converting CV to MIDI (03:54) - In this video Paul reveals how to use a free player device to turn any CV source directly into MIDI in the sequencer, opening up all of your existing rack devices to the world of players.
A Quick Look at Europa (04:19) - Now for a quick sidetrack! Paul shows you a couple of quick tips with Europa and its new sample import function, such as creating a default patch for sample import and also re-sampling instruments internally to create new wavetables.
Drum Sequencer as a Melodic Tool (08:37) - Now we put all of the above into practice and begin creating a more coherent idea. You'll also see how to use the Drum Sequencer as a melodic tool, and explore the usefulness of CV outputs on player devices.
Structuring & Looking Beyond Drum Sequencer (14:12) - Expanding on the previous video, Paul adds additional melodic elements as well as introduces you to the possibilities of players and CV beyond the Drum Sequencer.