Mix Review with Bob Horn & Erik Reichers - Episode 1

Industry pro engineers, mixers and producers Bob Horn and Erik Reichers are pulling back the curtain, taking a volunteer's submitted mix and importing it side by side into their DAW, showing you in-detail how they would approach the mix in real-time, from start to finish. Get priceless tips and see where the improvements can be made and how to make them, creating a true professional, radio ready mix!

Goldberg Mix Review - Introduction (13:21) - Studio pros Bob Horn and Erik Reichers welcome you and set the stage for the video series by playing and discussing Bob Goldberg's mix of the song "Pull Me Down".
The Drums Pt. 1 (09:09) - Bob and Erik analyze Goldberg's approach to mixing overheads and offer alternative techniques.
The Drums Pt. 2 (14:47) - Bob and Erik now go over Goldberg's approach to mixing the rest of the drum kit and offer different techniques and tips to achieve a better sound.
The Bass (11:01) - Bob and Erik get down and dirty with the Bass track, showing you how they would have massaged and processed it, for a great, solid low end.
Guitars Pt. 1 (09:11) - Bob and Erik analyze Goldberg's approach to mixing main rhythm guitars and offer alternative techniques to get a great wide, full Guitar sound.
Guitars Pt. 2 (11:56) - Bob and Erik now breakdown the sound of Goldberg's additional guitars and offer alternative techniques and methods for improving them.
Guitars Pt. 3 (11:12) - The duo now wrap up the guitar processing segment and show how they have created a superior sound for all the collective guitar tracks and parts.
Vocals Pt. 1 (12:59) - Bob and Erik analyze Goldberg's approach to mixing lead vocal and offer alternative techniques.
Vocals Pt. 2 (08:12) - Bob and Erik analyze Goldberg's approach to mixing background vocals and offer alternative techniques.
Master Bus Pt. 1 (12:52) - Moving on to the all-mighty Master Bus, Bob and Erik analyze Goldberg's approach to mixing through his Sub Groups and Master Buss, and offer their spin on doing it.
Master Bus Pt. 2 (14:40) - Bob and Erik continue their break down on using and improving Sub Group masters.
Master Bus Pt. 3 (11:24) - The Sub and Master Busses are incredibly important and require just the right amount of finesse to dial them in and produce a great sound. Bob and Erik continue to show you how.
Master Bus Pt. 4 (11:39) - Bob and Erik break wrap up the series with this last video focusing on the Master Bus and sign off leaving you with a bigger, more powerful sounding mix!