Slide Guitar for Blues - Lap Style

In this Homespun instructional video, Bob Brozman uses a variety of instruments including a Weissenborn, a Dobro-type resophonic and a National steel, to teach the funky blues tunes, cool riffs and adventurous improvisations that he pulls from his seemingly bottomless bag of tricks.

D & G Tuning Family (08:19) - In this video, Bob Brozman introduces you to the course and discusses the D & G tuning family.
Using the Bar, the Hardware, & the One Chord Blues (13:14) - Bob dives into using the bar, the hardware he is using, nad the one chord.
Taking it Up the Neck & Melody (11:32) - In this video, Bob "taking it up the neck" and the melody of a song.
String Pairs (07:25) - Bob dives into string pairs.
Diatonic Blues & Melodic Style (09:00) - In this video, Bob explores diatonic blues and the melodic style.
Cycle of 5ths Changes (08:54) - Bob gets into the cycle of 5ths changes in this video.
National Guitar G Tuning (09:09) - Bob talks about the national guitar G tuning.
Slanting the Bar (06:42) - In this video, Bob discusses how to slant the bar.
Adding a Chime & Melodic Concepts (08:00) - Bob dives into adding a chime and melodic concepts.
Right Hand Triplet & Picking Style in D (09:54) - Bob discusses right hand triplets and the picking style in D.
D Minor Blues & Final Thoughts (10:07) - In this video, Bob explores the D minor blues and gives his final thoughts.