Sampling Techniques for Modern Musicians

In Sampling Techniques for Modern Musicians, Yeuda Ben-Atar, also known as Side Brain, takes you into the always-innovative, often-revolutionary, sometimes-controversial world of this now-essential audio practice. From basic fundamentals to the broadest and most complicated questions, this course serves as a guided exploration, teaching you to create and employ your own samples along the way.

Introduction (00:47) - Yeuda Ben-Atar welcomes you to the course and discusses what this course is all about.
History of Sampling (03:26) - Sampling is the art of taking existing sounds and re-purposing them. In this video, Yeuda goes over the history of sampling from its origins, its stages of evolution, and where it is today.
Signal Flow (01:11) - Before we talk about sampling techniques and tricks, you have to learn how a sampler works. In this video, Yeuda covers the signal flow of samplers.
One Shot Sampling (02:42) - In this video, Yeuda starts working within Ableton to teach you about sampling using Ableton's built in Simpler instrument.
Zero Crossing (02:36) - A big part of a sampler is the ability to loop a sample. In this video Yeuda shows you how to create a seamless loop in Ableton.
Sample Looping (06:00) - We've now seen how to create a basic loop in Ableton. In this video Yeuda dives a little deeper and shows you more creative options with loops and Ableton's Simpler.
Advanced Looping (04:25) - You now have the fundamentals of creating loops and samples within Ableton's, Simpler. In this video, Yeuda switches to Simpler's big brother, Sampler and teaches you some more advanced looping techniques.
Time Stretching, Voicing, and Glide (06:18) - In this video, Yeuda goes over time stretching, voicing, glide, and all the characteristics of each sampling technique.
Filter Section (02:09) - You don't always want to use the full sonic spectrum of a sample. In this video, Yeuda goes over the filter section of Sampler and how you can use it to shape your samples.
Envelopes (07:57) - Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release. Not sure what those are? In this video, Yeuda takes a look at envelopes and shows you how to further manipulate a sample.
LFO's (04:47) - Low frequency oscillators allow us to take the movement of a waveform and apply it to different parameters. In this video, Yeuda shows you how to use an LFO in your sampling.
Round Robin Sampling (04:16) - Round robin is a technique to inject more realism into your samples. In this video, Yeuda shows you how to how to incorporate round robin to make your sampling sound more realistic.
Multi Sampling (10:49) - In this video, Yeuda shows you how to do create realistic multi sampling using individual samples.
Granular Sampling (03:42) - A granular sampler is an instrument with granular synth capabilities. Granular samplers divide the samples into really small pieces called grains. In this video, Yeuda shows you his best practices for granular sampling.
Interpolation and Sample Quality (01:35) - In this last video, Yeuda goes over interpolation, sample quality, and how it effects the sonic quality when transposing.
Clearing Samples (03:23) - Yeuda discusses how to clear samples and the overall legality of using samples.