First Song with Reason

Reason expert Paul Ortiz brings you the beginner’s guide to using Reason to make your first song! Paul starts with a blank Reason session and walks you through the entire process of creating and arranging your first song, along with basic mixing and mastering practices.

Getting Started (06:47) - Paul welcomes you and introduces the Blocks system in Reason, and begins sketching out a basic drum section using a classic drum machine emulation and taking advantage of note lanes to arrange drum parts.
Adding Synths & Automation (08:39) - Now see how to add bass and pads, as well as using automation to shape the sound over time.
More Layers & Song Sections (11:39) - Now explore creating additional song Blocks, as well as some basic patch design and additional synth layers. You'll also see how to use the Blocks in the arranger to sketch out a rough arrangement of the song.
The Drum Mix (12:28) - In this video learn how to commit Blocks data to sequencer data, and get started on a basic drum mix to form the foundation for the rest of the mix.
Mixing Synths (11:46) - Next you'll see how to make some tweaks to the synth sounds, utilizing Reason's Player devices, as well as using automation to create two different bass sounds with one device. You'll also look at adding send effects into the mix.
Recording Live Instruments (12:29) - In addition to learning how to use side-chaining, you'll discover how to set up Reason to record live instruments and track some electric guitar. You'll also learn how to arrange your tracks in each of the three views and re-order your track list.
Vocals Pt. 1 (11:17) - Now discover how to prepare vocals for mixing, including pitch and formant correction, as well as some basic grouping and EQ'ing.
Vocals Pt. 2 (13:13) - Wrapping it up, you'll see how to effect the vocals, as well as use automation to create some interesting transition effects, and finally wrapping the track up with a mastering plug-in for a professional sound and level.