Boogie Woogie Guitar by Del Rey

In this vintage Homespun video series, you’ll learn an array of great songs, licks and guitar arrangements from guitar wonder Del Rey. Explore thumb-and-three finger picking, cool chord work and the integration of bass lines into your playing!

Nothing in Rambling Pt. 1 (10:58) - In the first video of the tutorial, Del Rey plays "Nothing in Rambling" and talks about how songs like this first influenced her style.
Nothing in Rambling Pt. 2 (15:17) - In this video, Del Rey continues with the song showing how to play the melody and bass line as well as working out the solo.
Boogie Mysterioso Pt. 1 (13:02) - Del Rey shows the song Boogie Myterioso and it's many parts that you can use to add to your own style.
Boogie Mysterioso Pt. 2 (07:10) - Continuing with the song, more complex but useful techniques are shown.
Straw Broom Boogie Pt. 1 (08:49) - Here, Del Rey introduces a new song using a capo.
Straw Broom Boogie Pt. 2 (11:25) - Variations of the tune's progression is shown in this video.
On the Wall (15:20) - Del moves on to showcase techniques for another song in drop D.
Boogie Woogie Country Girl (17:57) - Techniques of the final song, Boogie Woogie Country Girl, are shown tuned to open G.