Logic Pro X 10.3 Update Explained

Eli Krantzberg serves up in-depth video tutorials on the hot new Logic Pro X release, version 10.3. See and hear all the cool new features and functions, and how to use them in your productions. Get up to speed fast!

Graphic Changes (05:43) - Learn about the new Track Area grey scale options, ghost waveform editing, control bar changes, new horizontal auto zoom functions, and more.
Track Alternatives- How They Work (06:13) - How They Work - Explore this new playlist style feature which allows users to switch the contents of one or more tracks to an alternative version; where existing regions can be edited, or new ones created.
Working with Inactive Track Alternatives (07:28) - See how to make inactive alternatives audible, change an inactive alternative to an active one, edit the alternatives with both mouse and key commands, and finally how to convert grouped take folder takes to track alternatives.
Recording to Track Alternatives (03:55) - Learn how to record to track alternatives with cycle mode either on or off, and listen to some of my final thoughts on potential uses for Track Alternatives.
Track Alternatives & Region Automation (04:26) - Explore some creative ways of using region automation with Track Alternatives.
Selection Based Processing (08:00) - Discover this fantastic new function that allows us to apply audio effect plug-ins to either individual audio regions or marquee selections of audio regions.
Selection Based Processing in Action (06:05) - Explore a couple of corrective and creative scenarios that benefit from selection based processing.
Stereo Panning (08:16) - This great new features offers individual positioning of the leftright signals in the stereo spectrum; as well as the ability to tilt the customized stereo spread left or right.
Mixer Enhancements (06:08) - Learn about a potpourri of new Mixer tweaks, including high precision summing, increased available busses, dual mono mode, plug-in updates, mouse - over signal flow display enhancements, and more.
Software Instrument Sidechaining & New MIDI Plug-In Parameter Targets (03:34) - xplore the new simplified side chain routing of software instruments, and some creative possibilities using the new plug-in parameter target assignment feature in the MIDI Modulator plug-in.
Tracks Area Enhancements (07:27) - Learn about some new improved functions pertaining to fades, Track Header settings, moving locators, repeating selections, duplicating tracks, exporting, and more.
Event & Transform Enhancements (05:49) - Learn about the new mute field in the Event List & Event Float, new Option+Shift click behaviour, the new absolute relative time base used in conjunction with the Transform Window’s Position field, and the new key commands available for executing custom Transform Window operations.
MusicXML Import (02:57) - Learn how to work with the new MusicXML import function, what is and isn’t included, and how the imported material is dealt with when brought in to existing projects.
MIDI Replace Recording (02:17) - See how the new content region recording preference works in conjunction with MIDI Replace recording.
Miscellaneous (03:44) - Learn about Logic’s Touch Bar support, improvements in the Tempo Track, enhanced tool graphics, improvements to project alternative handling, and the ability to align imported movies to the playhead position.