Arpeggio Power!

Arpeggios (chords played as individual notes) are an indispensable component of music and can become an invaluable tool in your musical bag of tricks. Paul Mehling has methodically created a program of drills and exercises that “connect the dots,” offering a disciplined approach to practicing for guaranteed results.

Chapter 1 (16:54) - Paul starts off by tuning, and talking about Arpeggios, and a little bit about the rest of the series.
Chapter 2 (12:52) - Paul continues more on reaching different places on the neck, and how to apporach arpeggios.
Chapter 3 (07:51) - In this video, Paul talks about Major 6th Arpeggios and how they're played.
Chapter 4 (04:36) - Continuing with Arpeggios, Paul brings in the Minor 6th and shows you how to play them.
Chapter 5 (03:42) - Paul shows you the Dominant 7th Arpeggio, and relates it to what you've learned so far.
Chapter 6 (05:50) - Moving forward, Paul talks about the Major 7th arpeggio, and how you can get there from the last arpeggios you've learned in previous videos.
Chapter 7 (02:05) - This video is all about Minor 7th Apreggios, Paul walks you through the different parts necessary to understand it all.
Chapter 8 (02:48) - Moving forward, Paul gets into Diminished Arpeggios, and what they all contain.
Chapter 9 (07:05) - Paul talks about E Minor 9, something related to the school of gypsy jazz guitar playing. Paul then talks about some tips and hints that will help you along your way with Arpeggios.
Chapter 10 (05:57) - Paul introduces Adam who will be playing some accompaniment guitar, then he talks about Chords and Arpeggios together. Finally, Paul wraps things up with one final lesson, and talks about the importance of Arpeggios before a few final words before playing one last tune.