Blues & Rock Techniques for Hammond Organ

In this Homespun series, you’ll learn to get the thrilling organ sounds that have enhanced blues, jazz, gospel, and rock ’n’ roll throughout the history of popular music. David Cohen shows you how to create those sounds, and how to play the licks and grooves that have made this instrument world famous!

Chapter 1 (11:20) - David welcomes you to the series and discusses about the music he will be using in these videos. David talks about the Hammond, Leslie Speaker and describes how to get started with the Organ.
Chapter 2 (07:48) - In this video, David gets going with a Fast Shuffle using the Hammond. David then breaks down each of the movements and ties it all together.
Chapter 3 (09:47) - Moving forward, David uses the organ as a rhythm instrument and shares techniques that will help add cohesiveness and control to the rhythm.
Chapter 4 (11:58) - David moves on to a Medium Tempo Shuffle in the key of A, again sharing some key advice on keeping rhythm and structure.
Chapter 5 (16:46) - In this video, David talks about the Slow Blues and sustained notes in the key of G.
Chapter 6 (20:06) - David plays through a Funk Rhythm in G minor / C7.
Chapter 7 (04:42) - David recaps the previous videos and plays one last funky jam with the band.