REAKTOR Know-How: The Basics

Synth guru Sami Rabia now brings you in-depth video tutorials on Native Instruments REAKTOR. Designed for those completely new to REAKTOR, learn all the basics, including setup, loading and saving, and routing and assigning, allowing you to see and understand just what REAKTOR is, and what it can do!

Introduction (01:18) - Sami Rabia gives a quick introduction to the course and what you can expect.
GUI Overview (07:07) - In this video Sami explores the layout of the GUI and explains many of the functions available.
Basic Audio & MIDI Settings (02:18) - This video demonstrates basic Audio and MIDI settings on the stand alone version of REAKTOR 6.
The Properties Tab (04:23) - Easily missed but very useful. The properties tab contains the info view and much more.
Snapshots & Presets (13:06) - Get familiar with saving and managing sounds. Including snapshot morphing options.
Assigning MIDI Controls (03:48) - Sami takes goes through the MIDI connection manager, and demonstrates assigning and removing MIDI controllers to instruments in REAKTOR 6.
Routing Audio to REAKTOR (01:49) - Some instruments can process audio, such as RAZOR with it’s Vocoder. In this video, learn how to route audio into the plug-in or stand-alone version of REAKTOR 6.
Routing Audio Internally (03:35) - Connecting instruments together in REAKTOR 6 is easy and opens up a lot of possibilities. In this video Sami goes through the basic steps necessary to do it.
Routing MIDI Out of REAKTOR (03:36) - With a slew of interesting sequencers available right out of the box, it’s worth knowing how to control other instruments and synths with them, whether inside REAKTOR 6 or in your DAW.