Logic Pro X Know-How: The Marquee Tool

The Marquee tool in Logic Pro X is one of the most powerful tools, but least understood. In this video tutorial series, Logic guru Doug Zangar shares his Logic Pro X Know-How with you, teaching you everything you need to know about this multi-faceted, powerhouse tool!

Set Up & Navigation (02:58) - This introductory video shows you how to set up the Marquee tool and use it to define playback.
Making & Editing Selections (05:34) - There are various ways to make a selection with the Marquee Tool and then modify the selection.
Editing with Selections (02:49) - Once your selection is created, you have a number of editing options.
Selections to Actions (06:37) - See how the Marquee selections can be used to zoom, bounce, set up Autopunch, and set the range for movie scene markers.
Working with Automation (05:35) - Create volume edits by selection and copy multiple lanes of automation at once.
Working with Flex Time & Take Folders (05:58) - Some features unique to the Marquee Tool when using Flex Time and when using Take folders.