Pete Huttlinger Wonderful World of Chords

Get ready to give your left hand a workout! Pete Huttlinger has created a "video chord library" that's a must-have for every serious guitarist. This crash course is designed to show you all the important chords and fingerings you'll need, from the easiest shapes to some challenging finger-twisters.

Chapter 1 (09:39) - Pete gives us a great performance showing off some of the chords we'll be learning. He then starts off with tuning and then gets started with the easiest chords, and progressively moves into the harder chords.
Chapter 2 (07:55) - In this video, Pete reviews all the major chords we've learned so far. Then Pete starts in with the minor chords traveling through each one until you have a good bank of chords learned.
Chapter 3 (04:56) - Pete explains barre chords and helps us understand each note in the scale of western music.
Chapter 4 (08:13) - Pete continues on barre chords and how to play them up and down the fret board since we learned all the notes in the last video.
Chapter 5 (15:50) - This video features more barre chords. Pete gives us some routines that will help you take your playability to the next level.
Chapter 6 (08:41) - Pete shows us some exercises to switch between chords with roots on the 5th string going down to chords on the 6th string. Pete gives us some good tips on barre chords and how to smooth out some of your chord transitions.
Chapter 7 (05:40) - In this video, Pete shows us some closed position chords and a few more exercises to help you get comfortable with the chords we've learned in previous videos.
Chapter 8 (11:21) - Pete talks about "partial chords" and how to define each element of the chord. He then gives us a nice performance at the end showing us some of the things he's taught.
Chapter 9 (04:18) - Pete signs off with a few final words for the road and plays us a nice blues tune before ending.