C-A-G-E-D Guitar System 3

Ernie Hawkins uses the amazing C-A-G-E-D System when playing his specialty- blues and ragtime tunes in alternate-thumb fingerpicking style. This way of looking at the instrument enables him to have instant access to the guitar's entire fretboard.

Chapter 1 (05:42) - Ernie starts this video off with a great performance you'll want to learn for yourself.
Chapter 2 (06:00) - Ernie shows you how to play the 12-Bar blues in 3 different keys with the connecting chords.
Chapter 3 (04:34) - In this video, Ernie skips the key of A, and goes straight for the G position.
Chapter 4 (06:13) - Ernie talks about his first position in the 12-Bar blues,and why he skipped some keys before.
Chapter 5 (07:37) - In this video, Ernie moves onto the key of G and shows you some great routines to practice at home.
Chapter 6 (12:05) - Ernie talks about moving up the neck and walking up to the next chord, E.
Chapter 7 (02:03) - In this video, Ernie talks about where we are at so far and shares some good advice to help you understand our progressions we've learned.
Chapter 8 (12:32) - Ernie talks about a famous progression, "West Coast Blues", and shows us how to play it in the key of C.
Chapter 9 (05:00) - In this final video, Ernie talks about the formula we're working with, and how we can learn songs in different positions. Ernie shares some final thoughts and gives one last performance.