C-A-G-E-D Guitar System 1

If you think of the guitar fingerboard as unknown and remote territory, full of mystery and confusion, we have the road map and compass you need. The C-A-G-E-D System provides you with a complete understanding of the entire neck of the guitar so you can find your way around without ever getting lost again!

Chapter 1 (09:11) - Ernie talks about the C-A-G-E-D system and how it's great for learning and mastering the fretboard.
Chapter 2 (05:32) - In this video, Ernie talks about more exercises and how to verbally follow along with what you're playing to help you memorize what you're doing.
Chapter 3 (07:49) - Ernie plays in A, and gives some great exercises to follow along with.
Chapter 4 (06:55) - In this video, Ernie moves things to the E chord. He follows with some great routines and progressions that will help your relationship with everything we've learned so far.
Chapter 5 (12:37) - Ernie moves around the neck a little bit showing some different chords.
Chapter 6 (17:44) - Ernie moves up and down the neck continuing to speak aloud which chord you're playing, helping you remember each form and chord.
Chapter 7 (08:52) - In this video, Ernie does the same thing only in a different key.
Chapter 8 (17:41) - Ernie talks about passing chords, or connecting chords, and some of the rules behind playing these with each other.
Outro and Credits (01:03) - Ernie plays us out as the credits roll.