Fitness for Drummers

This Hal Leonard instructional video series features drumming fitness expert Justin Spencer explaining and executing fundamental stretching and workout routines, specific to improving your drumming, so you can play better and longer, while avoiding injury.

Introduction (01:02) - Justin introduces himself and gives us an outline on what we are going to cover in this series. Justin discusses how training is an essential part of a drumming lifestyle.
Equipment & Terms (01:58) - Justin talks about the equipment you'll need to get started. No, not drums, but the workout bench and weights he uses. He also talks about how essential workout gloves are and why he uses them.
Stretches & Exercises Pt. 1 (09:03) - In this video, Justin focuses on different stretches and exercise techniques that he uses. Big Windmills, Shoulder Raises, Dumbell Presses, Deltoid workouts and more are demonstrated.
Stretches & Exercises Pt. 2 (08:53) - Justin continues to show us exercise techniques and stretching routines that he personally uses in his drumming workouts. Bicep stretches, Basic Curls, Lunges and more are demonstrated.
Wrap Up (08:14) - After the exercises, Justin shares some thoughts on health, inspiration and reasons why he helped make this video.