Novation Launchkey Jump Start

Did you just get a Novation Launchkey keyboard controller, or are totally new to it? Well studio expert Mitchell Alpaugh gives you the down and dirty on this awesome DAW controller, guiding you through setup, registration, and ways to creatively use the Novation Launchkey fast!

Introduction (00:29) - Mitchell provides a brief introduction and explains what you can expect from the Novation Launchkey Jump Start series.
Account Creation and Registration (02:35) - Mitchell takes you through setting up your Novation account, registering your product, redeeming your copy of Ableton Live Lite and included plug-ins.
Overview (02:06) - Take a tour of all the basic features and architecture of the Launchkey demonstrated inside of Logic Pro X.
Ableton Setup (01:36) - Learn how to set up the Launchkey for use with Ableton Live and get started using Novation’s InControl mapping. Clip launching basics are also explained here in brief.
Cubase Setup (01:45) - Learn how to set up the Launchkey for use with Cubase and get started using Novation’s InControl mapping.
Pro Tools Setup (01:00) - Learn how to set up the Launchkey for use with Pro tools and get started using Novation’s InControl mapping.
Studio One Setup (02:43) - Learn how to set up the Launchkey for use with PreSonus Studio One, as well as some basic MIDI mapping tips.
Logic Pro X Setup (01:39) - Learn how to set up the Launchkey for use with Logic Pro X and get started using Novation’s InControl mapping.
Windows Troubleshooting (03:52) - Mitchell guides you through resolving some common hangups when using the Launchkey on Windows.
Mac Troubleshooting (01:47) - Mitchell guides you through resolving some common hangups when using the Launchkey on Mac.
Working with Launchkey (07:58) - Mitchell demonstrates how the Launchkey integrates in to his workflow using Logic Pro X.